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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 41
about this? than 100 years, and at this point it is fair -- in fact
COMMENT: Sexually transmitted dis- necessary -- to say that we know VERY LITTLE
eases bring suffering, disfigurement, infertility definite about the origins of this disease”
and DEATH. (Mednick, “Birth Defects and Schizophrenia,”
6. What does the Bible say will happen to Psychology Today).
those who devote themselves to sexual vice -- When medical authorities admit they
who DISHONOR their own bodies? Romans don’t know the causes of mental illness, or how
1:26-27. to PREVENT it, perhaps we should look to an-
COMMENT: The growing incidence of other source -- another authority -- for counsel
this ANCIENT PLAGUE speaks eloquently that and advice. What about the Bible?
the solution is PREVENTION! Thousands of Does the Bible say anything about men-
years ago the BIBLICAL STANDARDS of mo- tal and emotional illness? In view of the amazing
rality safeguarded against this plague that blights statements in the Bible pertaining to other mod-
the lives of as yet unborn generations. There is ern afflictions, it would be SURPRISING if the
NO safe, reliable “cure” for this disease -- except Bible didn’t say anything about mental illness.
PREVENTION. Why do millions insist on hid- 1. What did YEHOVAH God say in
ing their eyes from this OBVIOUS truth? Deuteronomy 28:28-29?
7. What did YEHOVAH God say when COMMENT: YEHOVAH warned
He created mankind? Genesis 2:24. 3,400 years ago that if men insisted upon break-
COMMENT: If this one BASIC, scrip- ing His laws and commandments, and living
tural principle was obeyed today, the world their own ways, the result would be DIS-
would see the end of venereal disease. It would ASTROUS. YEHOVAH God said that if we
be totally STAMPED OUT! broke His laws we would be smitten with MEN-
The Bible, clearly, is a REMARKABLE TAL ILLNESS! The original Hebrew word for
book. Its various portions, written from 4,000 to “madness” in this passage is shiggaown and re-
2,000 years ago, speak AUTHORITIVELY re- fers to INSANITY. More than 25% of our hospi-
garding health and disease prevention. The Bible tal beds today are occupied by victims of schizo-
not only gave laws of sanitation and hygiene phrenia!
thousands of years BEFORE the world in gen- What is the SOLUTION to the plague of
eral stumbled across those laws by “accident,” mental illness devastating millions of lives to-
but it also gave other fundamental principles of day?
prevention of disease that the world still 2. What does YEHOVAH say would
REFUSES to face! happen if modern nations would OBEY His
laws? Deuteronomy 28:58-62 and Leviticus
The Solution to Mental Illness 26:40-46.
An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans MOVE these curses that we have brought upon
18 and older suffer from a diagnosable mental ourselves. Obedience to the laws of YEHOVAH
disorder in a given year. The National Associa- God is KEY to mental health.
tion for Mental Health admits, “We know very 3. What did David write in Psalms
little about the causes of mental illness, and until 119:165?
we know much more, we cannot identify any 4. What about Proverbs 3:1-2?
sure way to prevent mental illness.” 5. What is YEHOVAH’s law, summa-
Wrote Dr. Sarnoff A. Mednick in Psy- rized? Matthew 22:36-40.
chology Today, “We have been working on the 6. What is the definition of LOVE? I
problem of schizophrenia, however, for more John 5:3 and Romans 13:10.
YEHOVAH God’s Health Laws