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10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 44

that these promises will be fulfilled in the Mil- OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS -- WAS
lennium in the SAINTS who will have been born HERE REPEATED to the Israelites because
of the HOLY SPIRIT into YEHOVAH’s King- YEHOVAH had revealed it from the beginning.
dom -- with the POWER and NATURE by The Ten Commandments comprised a DIS-
which they will keep the law PERFECTLY. TINCT PART of the Old Covenant which
YEHOVAH simply did not make the YEHOVAH made with Israel at that time. Then,
HOLY SPIRIT of POWER and LOVE available in Exodus, chapters 21 through 23, YEHO-
to the WORLD in Old Covenant times! (John VAH God revealed to Moses the various
7:38-39.) APPLICATIONS of the Ten Commandments in
the form of civil statutes and judgments which
Israel Thought They Could Keep the were to be another distinct part of, and included
Covenant in, the Old Covenant which the people had
agreed to obey. YEHOVAH had Moses write
1. WERE THE ISRAELITES so certain these civil statutes and judgments in a book
of their OWN ABILITY to do all YEHOVAH called the “Book of the Covenant” (Exodus
God required of them, that they immediately 24:4, 7).
promised Moses that all the Eternal had spoken 4. Were the people any less certain of be-
they would do? Exodus 19:8. ing able to fulfill, BY THEIR OWN POWER, all
COMMENT: YEHOVAH had just fin- the laws revealed by YEHOVAH God? -- did
ished informing the Israelites, through Moses, they agree to this covenant? Exodus 24:3, 7.
what He would require of the people, in a broad Was it ratified, or sealed -- made binding -- with
sense. And they readily affirmed that they would blood? Verse 8.
do THEIR PART of this covenant. COMMENT: The Old-Covenant Israel-
2. Did YEHOVAH God inform Moses ites had no promise of receiving the holy spirit --
that He Himself would come down to the people the very POWER and NATURE OF YEHO-
on the third day? Exodus 19:11. Did VAH GOD which would have enabled them to
YEHOVAH at this time inform them that they keep the law. They did not REALIZE THEIR
would have to keep the Ten Commandments in LACK OF THIS POWER when they agreed to
order to fulfill THEIR PART of His covenant? the terms of the Old Covenant. THEY NEEDED
Note Exodus 20:1 especially. Read also verses HELP, BUT DIDN’T REALIZE IT!
2 through 17. Read of the same event in Deuter- AND PEOPLE TODAY DESPERATE-
onomy 5:4-22. And did YEHOVAH, with His LY NEED HELP! But they don’t realize this fact
own finger, write these commandments on ta- EITHER!
bles of stone for the people? Deuteronomy 5:22 The HOLY SPIRIT of POWER IS NOW
and Exodus 31:18. available! It is time that the world WAKE UP to
3. After YEHOVAH God had spoken the this truth!
Ten Commandments which they were to obey as Notice how YEHOVAH God began to
a DISTINCT part of this covenant, did He in- impress this fact upon THE WORLD.
struct Moses to set before the people the various
civil statutes and judgments as another The “Ministration of Death”
DISTINCT PART of this same “Old Covenant,”
which they also had to follow? Exodus, chap- 1. Among the judgments in the Old Cov-
ters 21 through 23. Skim RAPIDLY over these enant, was there a set that called for an “eye for
three chapters to get the GENERAL trend. an eye,” and a “tooth for a tooth,” and a “life for a
COMMENT: The eternal, spiritual law life”? Exodus 21:23, 24.
-- the royal law of love WHICH IS COMPOSED

The Meaning of Marriage -- Part One
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