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Lesson 44 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9

and all of verse 6.
COMMENT: This covenant
proposed by YEHOVAH God to the Is-
raelites is the most well-known cove-
nant before the time of the Messiah. Its
terms and conditions extend from Exo-
dus 19:1 through Exodus 24:8.
The first part of the Bible has, in
reality, been misnamed “The Old TEST-
AMENT.” Notice why this is a misno-
We now know that a TESTA-
MENT or WILL has to do with the
DEATH of one of the parties for fulfill-
ment. But death of the contracting par- Roaring, ear-splitting thunder echoed and re-echoed be-
ties was not called for to make this tween the quaking mountains as YEHOVAH God spoke
COVENANT binding. This covenant or His Law.
agreement just called on the Israelites to Statue of Moses with the Ten Commandments.
obey YEHOVAH God -- and if and when they
did, YEHOVAH would bless them. So the first
part of the Bible should more properly have been
called THE OLD COVENANT. Here is how
this error came about.
When the Bible was translated into Latin
shortly after the Messiah’s death, the Latins used
the word “testamentum” which, in LATIN,
means either a covenant or a testament. Later,
the Bible was translated into English, and the
Latin word “testamentum” was UNFOR-
TUNATELY continued as the English word
TESTAMENT -- which in ENGLISH can mean
only ONE thing -- a WILL. And that is why the
part of the Bible containing the Old Covenant is
NOT titled THE OLD COVENANT as it should
properly be called today.
5. Did YEHOVAH God make the condi-
tional promise that physical Israel would be a
“peculiar treasure” to Him, and be “above all
people”? Exodus 19:5. And that they would be a
“kingdom of priests” and a “holy nation"? Verse
6. Aren’t these very desirable promises?
COMMENT: The ancient Israelites de-
sired to be YEHOVAH’s “kingdom of priests"
and “a holy nation.” But THEY NEVER
did not obey YEHOVAH God! Instead, we find

The Meaning of Marriage -- Part One
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