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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 44

of the parties? Same verse.
COMMENT: Notice: the wife is not
bound TO THE LAW -- but she is bound TO
death of her husband can dissolve the marriage
contract which is governed by law. The law
doesn’t stop when the husband dies, but the mar-
riage covenant which was based upon the law is
YEHOVAH God made a marriage cove-
nant -- the Old Covenant -- with ancient Israel at
Sinai. The contract was based upon and gov-
erned by the terms and conditions of
YEHOVAH’s law. When the Messiah died at
Golgotha, YEHOVAH God’s marriage contract
with ancient Israel was dissolved, but the law
upon which it was based continues!
Obviously YEHOVAH God didn’t do
away with His law at the Messiah’s death. It was
our sins, the breaking of YEHOVAH’s perfect

Cross-section of a smoker’s lung showing dead- law, that DID AWAY WITH THE MESSIAH!
ly cancer. “If you will not obey the voice of the He accepted the death penalty we incurred FOR
LORD...Cursed shall you be in the city, and the us. And so OUR SINS TOOK HIS PERFECT
field...The LORD will smite you with drought... LIFE!
and with ulcers of which you cannot be healed” -- 4. Doesn’t Paul say that Christians are to
Deuteronomy 28:15-16, 22, 27, RSV. MARRY someone? Romans 7:4. Who will con-
verted Christians marry? -- Yeshua the Messiah
your Bible, brings the death penalty upon us? Is who is now resurrected? Same verse.
it the law -- or is it SIN? Romans 6:23. Who is COMMENT: Yeshua the Messiah will
responsible for sin? -- the law, or the SINNER? be “HUSBAND” to SPIRITUAL Israel (YEHO-
Galatians 6:7-8 and Romans 6:16. VAH’s true Church “born again” at the resurrec-
COMMENT: The sinner is RESPON- tion) under the terms of the New Covenant. Both
SIBLE. He earns the wages of sin -- death! covenants are marriage agreements -- both are
Those who hate YEHOVAH’s law would have governed by the same terms and conditions --
you think the law is IMPOSSIBLE to keep! This YEHOVAH’s spiritual law!
spirit of anti-Christ would make the Messiah a
law-breaker! It denies that the Messiah kept the Rigmarole of Rituals Added Later
law perfectly when he walked this earth! If this
false notion is true -- you have NO SAVIOUR! 1. The Israelites, being WITHOUT the
2. How does the apostle Paul clarify the spirit of YEHOVAH God, were constantly re-
marriage relationship? Romans 7:1-4. Is Paul belling -- sinning -- against YEHOVAH God,
explaining the law in regard to a marriage con- their husband, and the law He had given them.
tract? Verses 1-2. Read Ezekiel 20:13. What did YEHOVAH do,
3. How are a husband and wife bound -- because of this rebellion, to IMPRESS upon
isn’t it BY THE LAW? Verse 2. When is a mar- them the weakness of their own inherent nature
riage contract dissolved -- at the DEATH of one in respect to keeping the law? -- did He ADD

The Meaning of Marriage -- Part One
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