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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 44
enant. First, let us see whether it had
been in force before the flood. What did
Cain do to his brother Abel? Genesis
4:8. Did Cain have to give his life for
this act of murder, or was he merely
marked by YEHOVAH God? Gene-
sis 4:15.
5. Since there was NO divinely
appointed administration of punishment
before the flood, did violence increase
so tremendously that YEHOVAH had to
destroy most of mankind from the face
of the land? Genesis 6:11-13. Then
Like today, extreme violence became widespread before wasnt it just AFTER the flood that
the Flood. After the Flood, YEHOVAH God instituted the YEHOVAH ordained the ministration
ministration of death principle as punishment for mur- of death principle for the human fam-
der. ily? Genesis 9:5-6.
COMMENT: Whoever would
the seed [Yeshua the Messiah] should come shed the lifeblood of another human being, HIS
(Galatians 3:19). At this time YEHOVAH God OWN lifeblood was required in return. YEHO-
commissioned the Messiah to introduce a NEW VAH God ordained a ministration of death
ADMINISTRATION of these same laws -- THE just after the flood for ALL MANKIND for the
ADMINISTRATION OF THE SPIRIT (II Co- same reasons He later made it a part of His cove-
rinthians 3:6-8). nant with Israel -- so that their failure to measure
Why? Because the first administration up to the keeping of His law may be impressed
gave only severe penalties and even DEATH for upon ALL, and that ALL would FEAR to
disobedience. Human judges could not impart BRAZENLY break YEHOVAHs laws (Deu-
eternal life; they could only administer death. teronomy 19:20-21).
What was needed was a new administration of
the SAME LAWS -- an administration which A Marriage Covenant
could give pardon and eternal life to those who
repented of breaking YEHOVAHs laws and Many have asked: Why didnt Yeshua
wanted to obey. the Messiah ever marry? The fact is he WILL
The promise of the holy spirit -- the only marry in the Millennium! Your Bible says so! It
hope of eternal life -- was given to all believers even names His wife. It tells us when and where
for the FIRST TIME on the Day of Pentecost, 31 and why He will marry!
A.D. (Acts 2:1, 38.) Instead of administering the Surprising? Yes! But it has been in your
death penalty for sins, the Messiah, the apostles, Bible all these years! It has DIRECTLY to do
and HIS MINISTERS TODAY TEACH THE with the two covenants!
Thus, the Messiahs ministers ADMINISTER 1. Was it YEHOVAH God, the LORD,
LIFE to mortal man. who spoke the Ten Commandments from Mount
4. It is interesting to note that YEHO- Sinai? Exodus 20:1-2.
VAH ordained the ministration of death princi- COMMENT: The Ten Commandments
ple as a judgment long before He restated it to were given at Mount Sinai by YEHOVAH God
the Israelites at Mount Sinai as a part of His cov- the Father. And Israel entered into a covenant
The Meaning of Marriage -- Part One