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Lesson 7 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11
“seed” (Exodus 19:6). -- KEEP THE SEVENTH-DAY SABBATH OF
We will become this “nation” when ALMIGHTY GOD ACCORDING TO THE
we’re BORN into the great KINGDOM OF LUNAR CALENDAR!
YEHOVAH GOD at the Messiah’s soon
coming. The Messiah will then have made us Sabbath Keeping Specifically Commanded
“kings and priests” unto His Father YEHOVAH Today!
God (Revelation 1:6). Then YEHOVAH’s
purpose will be COMPLETELY FULFILLED 1. Does one of YEHOVAH God’s great
in us! Ten Commandments specifically COMMAND
Yes, we -- if we are
spirit-begotten New Covenant
Israelites -- DO have the POWER
of the holy spirit to save us. And
we are receiving instruction in
YEHOVAH’s Holiness as we
REST on His Sabbath Days.
We show by our
ordained Sabbath Day that we
KNOW our God, that He is our
Creator, and that we KNOW our
MISSION and our GOAL. We
know that we are, at the Messiah’s
SOON coming, to be CHANGED
into immortal spirit beings and as Sabbath breaking today -- department store business
such are to be made kings and continues as usual on the Sabbath because most people do
priests (Revelation 1:5-6; 5:10; NOT realize that YEHOVAH’s TRUE Sabbath can fall on ANY day
20:6) to serve the world of the week in the Gregorian Calendar we observe today.
throughout the Millennium as
members of the Kingdom of
US to keep the Sabbath today? Exodus 20:8.
So it is YEHOVAH’s True Church --
spiritual law has been in full force and effect
composed of spirit-begotten Christians -- which
FROM Adam until TODAY!
is NOW spreading the GOSPEL, the GOOD
2. Are we to be obedient to
NEWS, to all the world -- telling of YEHOVAH
YEHOVAH’s commands and keep His Sabbath
God our Creator, His divinely just laws, His
-- NOT being rebellious as were the Old
blessings, and His plan for mankind -- just
Covenant Israelites who would not DO what
before the imminent return of BOTH Yeshua the
YEHOVAH God commanded, or keep His
Messiah and YEHOVAH God!! And
Sabbaths? Hebrews 3:8-10. Did YEHOVAH,
for this reason, prevent them from entering His
NOURISHING those He has called to become
“rest”? Verse 11 and Ezekiel 20:13, 15.
His glorified Sons in the Kingdom of
COMMENT: We know that Old
Covenant Israel was rebellious and that
This is YOUR GOAL, ISN’T IT? Then
YEHOVAH never allowed those of that
keep the DAY on which you may RECEIVE
rebellious generation to enter the land of
YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 1