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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 7

showing this same WRONG ATTITUDE to IT!
YEHOVAH God! No wonder YEHOVAH God stresses
Sabbath keeping so much in the Bible. It is a
FAITH -- the Key TEST to ascertain our COMPLETE,
There are people today who have come If we do COMPLETELY SURRENDER
to KNOW and UNDERSTAND the truth about to YEHOVAH in continuous TRUSTING
YEHOVAH’s Sabbath, but are hesitant to begin FAITH and DO all He commands, He promises
keeping it. They EXCUSE themselves by saying to shower us with the REALLY
the PRESSURES of the world would absolutely WORTHWHILE blessings of this life, and
prevent it -- pressures of business, pressures of glorious spirit life FOR ETERNITY!
friends, of children, of pleasures and pressures Let’s study now the scriptures which
from other sources. exhort us to step out in FAITH and REST on
Their problem is a LACK OF FAITH TO YEHOVAH’s Sabbath Day -- on the seventh day
STEP OUT IN OBEDIENCE TO YEHOVAH of the LUNAR week -- on whatever day it may
GOD, TRUSTING HIM to work everything out fall on during the PAGAN PLANETARY
for their good -- if they would only RESIST WEEK we use today -- even though the “odds”
worldly pressures by RESTING from all their may SEEM to be against us.
own pursuits on the -- Sabbath! 1. We know that a generation of Old
Do you know that such people -- and this Covenant Israel did not enter the land of
MAY include YOU -- are being put to Palestine, which YEHOVAH uses as a
challenge, His COMMAND TO rest on the They DIED without entering. Was it because of
Sabbath? “unbelief” -- LACK OF FAITH and resultant
Nowhere does YEHOVAH promise that DISOBEDIENCE to YEHOVAH God?
you will receive eternal life if you JUST rest on Hebrews 3:10-12, 18-19.
the Sabbath. But the Messiah does say, “If thou 2. Must we have FAITH before
wilt enter into [eternal] life, KEEP THE YEHOVAH God will give us eternal “rest” --
COMMANDMENTS -- one of which is “keep eternal life in His Kingdom? Hebrews 4:1-3, 6.
the SABBATH”! (Matthew 19:17.) COMMENT: Note the words
Did you ever wonder WHY YEHOVAH “FAITH,” in verse 2, and “BELIEVED,” in
God and the Messiah single out ONE of the Ten verse 3.
Commandments -- the FOURTH -- and insist 3. Are we warned against showing a lack
again and again that we must keep it by resting of FAITH BY “hardening our hearts”? Verse 7.
on the seventh day of the week? The Sabbath is And does verse 11 show that we must STEP
mentioned sixty times in the New Testament OUT IN FAITH and rest on the Sabbath? Note
alone. And many more times in the Old the warning against “unbelief” -- lack of FAITH
Testament. and OBEDIENCE to YEHOVAH God.
HERE IS THE REASON. GRASP IT COMMENT: How clear it becomes that
Of all YEHOVAH’s commandments, SABBATH.
Sabbath keeping is the one that appeals the 4. Does the Messiah verify the fact that
LEAST TO CARNAL-NATURED MAN. To WE must take the FIRST STEP in obeying
the carnal, unrepentant mind, Sabbath keeping YEHOVAH God through the Messiah, if we are
seems ridiculous and absolutely unnecessary. to receive Divine help to do His will? Matthew
Carnal man just does NOT WANT TO KEEP 11:28.

YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 1
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