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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 7

WHY STAY AT HOME? SHIP hath righteousness with unrighteousness
Because there are certain churches into and what communion hath light with darkness?"
which you might be MISLED. Churches which (II Corinthians 6:14). You cannot afford to
observe the seventh-day Sabbath on fellowship with Satan, his ministers (II
SATURDAY -- churches whose NAMES even Corinthians 11:13-15), or churches who
bear, in part, the words “Seventh Day." BUT REFUSE to obey all of YEHOVAH God’s
DON’T BE DECEIVED! commandments!

The Mount of Olives outside Jerusalem -- the site of the
To Be Continued
Messiah’s crucifixion.

Answers to Questions in
Lesson 6

1. Sheep 2. raah 3. Jacob-
Israel 4. Pastors, shepherds
5. Lost sheep of the House of
Israel 6. Pontus, Galatia,
Cappadocia, Asia and
Bithynia 7. Great Shepherd
8. Yes 9. 17 10. House of
Israel 11. Sin 12. Israel and
Judah 13. Judah 14. gods
15. Babylonians

Just because these churches have a Additional Reading Material
“FORM of Godliness” (II Timothy 3:5) -- have
an OUTWARD appearance of “keeping”
Why YEHOVAH’s People Should
YEHOVAH’s Sabbath -- does NOT mean you
Refrain from Going to Restaurants
should attend their services! For in reality, these
on the Sabbath and Holy Days
churches DISOBEY YEHOVAH God in most
points of His law -- which includes their
YEHOVAH God’s Sabbath -- a Day
IMPROPER observance of YEHOVAH’s
Beyond Space and Time
SABBATH, at the WRONG time!!
There also are several small religious
Thirty Proofs YEHOVAH God’s
sects which claim to keep the Sabbath. But they
Sabbath Is Still Not Abolished!
GOD EITHER -- even though they may
recognize and APPROPRIATE the true Bible
name “Church of YEHOVAH God”!
For your articles, write to:
You definitely should NOT meet with
Hope of Israel Ministries
those who are BLINDED to the truth! The
Dept. BCC
apostle Paul commanded Christians “BE YE
P.O. Box 2186
Temple City, CA 91780 USA

YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 1
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19