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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson7
Palestine -- the land YEHOVAH uses as a TYPE TODAY! Those NOT keeping the Sabbath will
of the Millennium and the Kingdom of NOT be bearing YEHOVAH’s Sabbath “sign”
YEHOVAH God. which identifies His people, and therefore will
3. Was it primarily because they NOT BE BORN OF YEHOVAH GOD AT THE
wouldn’t BELIEVE, and therefore wouldn’t DO MESSIAH’S COMING!
the Sabbath command that Israel didn’t enter Yes, the SABBATH is YEHOVAH’s
YEHOVAH’s “rest” -- the land of Palestine? “sign” showing that He is the One who is
Hebrews 4:1-2. But if WE BELIEVE, and separating us from this present evil world and
OBEY this and YEHOVAH’s other making us into His Holy people. And the only
commandments, will we ENTER YEHOVAH’s way we can keep the Sabbath as Holy time is by
eternal “rest” -- the Kingdom of YEHOVAH DOING what He commands on that day -- by
God? Verse 3 -- first nine words. Will we be RESTING FROM OUR PHYSICAL LABORS!
following the EXAMPLE YEHOVAH God set The evidence that we are to keep the
for us when He rested on the seventh day of Sabbath today is overwhelming. The word
“Sabbath,” which means REST,
appears SIXTY TIMES alone in
the New Covenant part -- the
“New Testament” -- of your Bible!
Creation Week the Pattern for
YEHOVAH God has ordained an
overall period of time in which He
is accomplishing His spiritual
creation of mankind. The
little-understood plan is given in
the first two chapters of Genesis. It
Incidence of “natural disasters” continues to rise sharply. is the LUNAR WEEK of SEVEN
YEHOVAH God promises PROTECTION for those who hallow days.
His Sabbaths! YEHOVAH’s plan is patterned
after the six LITERAL twenty-
Creation Week? Verse 4. four-hour work days and one twenty-four-hour
COMMENT: How clear it is that WE Sabbath Day of “Creation Week.” It’s very
MUST keep the Sabbath Day if we are to enter important that we understand this vital truth!
the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. 1. Was YEHOVAH’s work of creation
4. If we are REALLY YEHOVAH’s accomplished in SEVEN LITERAL DAYS?
people, will we CONTINUALLY keep Genesis 2:2.
YEHOVAH’s “rest” -- His weekly Sabbath 2. And does the weekly Sabbath also
Day? Hebrews 4:9-10. FORESHADOW YEHOVAH God’s one-
COMMENT: The word appearing as thousand-year Millennium of rest and peace for
“rest” in verse 9 is not translated properly. In the the physical people of this earth? II Peter 3:8
original Greek it is “Sabbatismos,” which means and Revelation 20:1-5.
SABBATH FOR YEHOVAH’S PEOPLE PLAN is as “a thousand years,” and “a thousand
YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 1