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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 8
By keeping the Sabbath, Yeshua also disciples, the future leaders of His Church,
became our living flesh and blood EXAMPLE to EXACTLY how he, as the “Lord of the
show us HOW to keep it. Sabbath,” intended that day to be used!
Yes, Yeshua the Messiah KEPT the Yes, Yeshua showed by his EXAMPLE
Sabbath, and so did all those who FOLLOWED and TEACHING how the true Sabbath ought to
him. And their examples are recorded in the be kept, and set his Church the EXAMPLE of
Bible for us TO FOLLOW TODAY! how the WHOLE Christian way of life ought to
Yeshua kept the Sabbath PERFECTLY be lived!
because he had the fulness of the holy spirit to YEHOVAH God intended the Sabbath
guide and empower him from birth. He NEVER to be a BLESSING for mankind -- not a CURSE!
ONCE broke the Sabbath! Had Yeshua ever And Yeshua showed us by his living example, in
broken it in the slightest point, he could not have principle, and by direct teaching, exactly HOW
become our Savior! Hebrews 4:15 says he was the Sabbath is to be kept so it can be a GREAT
“WITHOUT SIN”! JOY and BLESSING to us all!
1. Did Yeshua set his Church the 2. Was it the Messiah’s “custom” to
EXAMPLE of how the whole Christian way of attend Church services on YEHOVAH’s
life is to be lived? I John 2:6. Does Yeshua, the Sabbath? Luke 4:16, 31.
“Lord” of the SABBATH -- the TRUE “Lord’s COMMENT: Yeshua did not meet with
Day” -- therefore teach us, his disciples, WHEN the people on the Sabbath because it was a
and HOW to keep the Sabbath? “convenient” opportunity to preach to them. He
COMMENT: Yeshua taught his met with them in OBEDIENCE to YEHOVAH
GOD’S COMMAND to convoke for worship
The scroll that Yeshua read from on the Sabbath services on the Sabbath Day! (Leviticus 23:3.)
may have looked much like this one. It was Yeshua’s “custom” or HABIT to
keep the true Sabbath from his early youth. Once
a person does a thing consistently for a length of
time, it becomes a HABIT with him and a
CUSTOMARY thing. So it was with Yeshua.
He did NOT keep Saturday, Sunday or any other
such practice instituted by man and his calendar!
3. Are WE commanded to FOLLOW the
Messiah’s perfect example of obedience to
YEHOVAH God, which includes Sabbath
keeping? I Peter 2:21 andI Corinthians 11:1.
John 5
YEHOVAH God has carefully seen to it
that the knowledge of the PROPER time for His
Holy Sabbath has been preserved in the New
Testament for us today. Let’s notice how:
1. Read John 5:1. What was it that the
Messiah went up to Jerusalem for?
COMMENT: All the commentaries and
Bible notes explain that this was the first day of
the Passover season, i.e. The 15TH DAY of the
YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 2