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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 8
the 22nd day of the lunar month and ALSO begin.” Once again, the footnote to this verse
Shmini Atzeret -- but what ELSE was it? Notice! says “Shab.bat -- the Sabbath” -- also implying
“And it was the SABBATH DAY when Jesus the WEEKLY Sabbath.
made the clay, and opened his eyes” (verse 14). 3. Now let’s go to Luke 23:56.
One again, the word for “SABBATH” in COMMENT: Here we read, in the
this verse is Sabbaton -- meaning the WEEKLY Jewish New Testament -- “On SHABBAT the
SABBATH. This is further confirmed in verse women rested, IN OBEDIENCE TO THE
16 where some of the Pharisees said “this man is COMMANDMENT.” What commandment is
not from God, because he does not keep the this? The FOURTH COMMANDMENT of
Sabbath.” SAME word, SAME meaning. course!
Clearly, the Sabbath in this week fell on the In reference to this verse the Jewish New
22nd, which means the other Sabbaths of the Testament makes this clarifying statement: “It is
month fell on the 8th, 15th and 29th! And sometimes claimed that the New Testament says
Yeshua kept these days as his custom was. nothing about keeping the fourth
How can we fail to see that these weekly commandment. This verse contradicts that
Sabbaths are ALWAYS on the set days of the claim, so it is important for a Jewish
LUNAR month? And, here again, the Messiah understanding of the New Testament. On
was keeping the Heavenly Sabbaths that were Shabbat the women rested, in obedience to the
created by YEHOVAH’s Heavenly calendar -- fourth commandment (Exodus 20:8-11,
NOT mans’! The Sabbath here was on the 22nd, Deuteronomy 5:12-15; also Exodus 16). Of
which means the Sabbath also fell on the 8th, course they did! They observed SHABBAT
15th and 29th days of this month -- as in ALL EVERY WEEK” (David H. Stern, p. 150).
OTHER months! Obviously, then, the WEEKLY SABBATH is
the focus of verses 54 and 56.
The Crucifixion Week 4. Now that we have established the fact
that the WEEKLY Sabbath is the focus of these
YEHOVAH God has carefully seen to it verses, let’s go to John 19:31. What does this
that the knowledge of the proper time for His verse say that the SABBATH day was?
Holy Sabbath day was preserved in the accounts COMMENT: What “HIGH DAY” was
of the Messiah’s death. Let’s notice how: this? Most Bibles reference this to Exodus
1. Read Mark 15:42. 12:16 -- the first holy day of the Feast of
COMMENT: In the Jewish New Unleavened Bread! Therefore -- and NOTICE
Testament this verse reads as follows: “Since it this -- we have here TWO SABBATHS ON
was the Preparation Day (that is, the day before a THE SAME DAY -- THE WEEKLY
SHABBAT), as evening approached, Yosef of SABBATH AND THE FIRST HIGH OR
Ramatayim, a prominent member of the HOLY DAY OF THE FEAST OF UN-
Sanhedrin who himself was also looking LEAVENED BREAD. This is EXACTLY what
forward to the Kingdom of God went boldly to we would expect if the Judeans of the Messiah’s
Pilate and asked for Yeshua’s body.” time were keeping the weeks according to the
In a footnote the Jewish New Testament LUNAR cycle! This particular day was Nisan 15
remarks: “Shab.bat -- the Sabbath,” implying a and, according to the lunar reckoning, was
WEEKLY Sabbath. ALWAYS a weekly Sabbath AND a high day!
2. Read Luke 23:54.
COMMENT: In the Jewish New
Testament this verse reads: “It was the
Preparation Day, and a SHABBAT was about to
YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 2