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Lesson 8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13

LUNAR month. him come unto me, and drink”?
2. Now read verses 2-8 of John 5. COMMENT: It was on the LAST
WHEN did the Messiah meet the man with the GREAT DAY -- Shmini Atzeret -- which AL-
infimity? WAYS falls on the 22nd of the lunar month of
COMMENT: This occurred on the Tishri, that the Messiah stood up to speak.
SAME DAY -- the first day of Unleavened 4. Now skip over to John 9:1. What DAY
Bread, the 15TH. was it that the Messiah saw the man blind from
3. Now read verse 9. What does it birth?
CLEARLY say? COMMENT: It was the SAME day, the
COMMENT: It says here that “on the 22nd. All the previous verses from John 7:38 to
SAME day was the weekly SABBATH”! What 52, and then from John 8:12 to 59 deal with the
“same day”? The feast of the Passover -- the intercourse that took place on the 22nd between
15th! the Messiah and the people and the officers of
The Greek word here for “Sabbath” is the chief priests and pharisees.
Sabbaton -- which means the WEEKLY It should be noted here that the section
SABBATH or rest day. So the Sabbath in verse about the woman caught in adultery (John 7:53
9 is the SAME DAY as the Feast in verse 1 -- to 8:11) was NOT in the original manuscripts.
showing once again that the weekly Sabbath The Catholic Encyclopedia admits that this
falls on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of the lunar section, called the pericope adulterae was
month. regarded as SPURIOUS until the Council of
Trent in 1546, where it was suddenly declared as
Yeshua and the Blind Man “divine truth.” All evidence indicates that this
section was INSERTED into John’s gospel in
In the Book of John we find more the 4th century.
conclusive evidence showing that the Messiah 5. In John 9:6 we read about Yeshua
kept the weekly Sabbath on the 8th, 15th, 22nd anointing the eyes of the blind man with clay.
and 29th days of the LUNAR month What DAY was this?
1. Read John 7:2. What FEAST was at COMMENT: This was still on the 22nd
hand? or Last Great Day of the Feast.
2. In verse 10 Yeshua went up to 6. Now for the clincher! What DAY does
Jerusalem for the Feast. John say it was that the Messiah anointed the
3. Now read John 7:37. What DAY did eyes of the blind man? Verse 14.
the Messiah stand up to say “If any man thirst, let COMMENT: We already know it was


Yeshua cries out in the Temple (John
Yeshua leaves the Temple under threat
Yeshua goes to Jerusalem for the Feast of stoning (John 8:59).
of Tabernacles (John 7:10). Sees man blind from birth (John 9:1).
Anoints eyes of blind man with clay
(John 9:6).

YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 2
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18