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Lesson 8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
1st Day
of the
Moon 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day 6th Day
6th Day 7th Day of the of the of the of the of the DAY
of stay in of stay in week week week week week
COMMENT: Notice carefully that it HOVAH’s true ministers -- by KEEPING the
was the practice of many GENTILES to meet Sabbath Day holy!
with the Judahites on the Sabbaths. And because 12. Did the Messiah plainly show that his
these Gentiles were interested in the Gospel, Church would REMAIN a Sabbath-keeping
they besought Paul to speak about Yeshua again Church, even until the time of the end of the
on the very NEXT SABBATH DAY! Judahite state in 70 A.D.? Matthew 24:20.
Paul, the apostle to the Gentile (Israelite COMMENT: The Messiah clearly
-- 10 tribed) nations, said NOT ONE WORD shows here that his Church would respect and
here or elsewhere, that the Gentiles should cease keep his Father’s Sabbath commandment. His
their practice of assembling on the SABBATH Church -- the true Church of YEHOVAH God in
for worship! Yes, the Sabbath Day was kept by its infancy -- fled from Jerusalem before the city
YEHOVAH’s early church years AFTER the was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. True
Messiah’s death and resurrection! Christians were KEEPING the Sabbath at that
11. Since Paul followed the example of time!
Yeshua the Messiah who dwelt in him, did he Even the destruction of Jerusalem by the
COMMAND the GENTILE (Israelite) Romans is PROOF of YEHOVAH’s TRUE
Christians at Corinth to FOLLOW HIM Sabbath day! The Roman author Sextus Julius
EXACTLY AS HE FOLLOWED THE Frontinus, who wrote in Latin towards the close
MESSIAH? I Corinthians 11:1. Did he of the first century A.D., referred to the conquest
command the Philippians to do likewise? of Jerusalem by the armies of Vespasian, saying:
Philippians 3:17. “The divine Augustus Vespasian attacked the
COMMENT: Paul taught the converted Jews on the day of Saturn, on which it is
Gentiles to imitate his obedience to YEHOVAH forbidden for them to do anything serious,
God AS HE IMITATED CHRIST’S. and prevailed” (The Stratagems, book 2,
BECAUSE of this command, the Gentiles Chapter 1, Section 17, in “Loeb Classical
always assembled on the SABBATH DAY Library,” Frontinus, p. 98).
JUST AS THE MESSIAH DID WHILE IN THE Dio Cassius says the following in his
FLESH, in order to KEEP the day YEHOVAH account of this war between the Romans and the
God commands in His Word! Judeans: “Thus was Jerusalem destroyed on the
In like manner today, all SPIRIT- very day of Saturn, the day which even now the
BEGOTTEN CHRISTIANS will be IMI- Jews reverence most” (Roman History, book
TATING the OBEDIENCE of Yeshua the 65, Chapter 7, in “Loeb Classical Library,”
Messiah, the apostle Paul, and all of YE- Dio’s Roman History, Volume 8, p. 271).
YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 2