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20 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 8

COMMENT: ALL of these tremendous he would bear YEHOVAH’s “SIGN.”
spiritual blessings can be yours if you have the Because the Messiah was sinless and had
“sign” of obedience to YEHOVAH God which YEHOVAH’s “sign,” he qualified to become
will distinguish you -- SET YOU APART -- as our Savior. Therefore the Father raised him from
one destined to inherit YEHOVAH’s the dead, thus SAVING him for service in His
incomprehensible riches -- eternal life of Kingdom. And so the Messiah now sits at the
never-ending joy and accomplishment in the right hand of the Father in heaven as our High
kingdom of YEHOVAH God! Priest and Elder Brother.
Remember the simple fact that Yeshua is
Those Being SAVED for Service Have our EXAMPLE. Since he had to keep the
YEHOVAH’s “Sign” Sabbath to be saved, we MOST CERTAINLY
Do you fully realize that even the 2. But doesn’t the Bible clearly show that
Messiah, the very first-born Son of God, HAD the Messiah “LABORED” on YEHOVAH’s
TO KEEP THE SABBATH in order to bear the holy Sabbath Day? It most certainly does! How
“Sign” which identifies YEHOVAH’s spiritual did the Messiah “labor” on the Sabbath? Did he
children -- those whom YEHOVAH is SAVING “work” mighty SPIRITUAL WORKS on the
for service in His Kingdom? Sabbath Day? Mark 1:21; Luke 4:16; 13:10
Yeshua the Messiah was a flesh and and Matthew 12:5, 8-13.
blood human being exactly as you and I. He 3. How did Yeshua uphold his “work” of
could not have received eternal life any other preaching and healing on YEHOVAH’s
way than we may receive it. He, too, HAD TO Sabbath? Did he make it plain it was lawful to do
KEEP YEHOVAH’s commandments -- which WELL on the Sabbath? Matthew 12:12 and
includes Sabbath keeping -- YEHOVAH’s Luke 6:9-10.
“sign.” Let’s be sure we understand this vital 4. BUT did Yeshua also warn against
truth. doing PHYSICAL LABOR on the Sabbath Day?
1. Was the Messiah the MORTAL Matthew 24:20.
flesh-and-blood son of Joseph and Mary? Luke COMMENT: Remember, Yeshua
4:22, and John 6:42. NEVER ONCE broke the Sabbath! Had he ever
COMMENT: While the Messiah was broken it in the slightest point, he could not have
on earth as the mortal son of Joseph and Mary, he become our Savior! Hebrews 4:15 says he was
ALSO had to keep the Sabbath -- have WITHOUT SIN!
YEHOVAH God’s Sabbath “sign” -- or die The “work” Yeshua said he and the
ETERNAL DEATH! “For sin is the Father performed were SPIRITUAL works! In
transgression of the law" (I John 3:4) -- which John 5:10-21, Yeshua plainly indicated that he
includes the Sabbath commandment -- and “the was doing the SPIRITUAL works of the Father
wages of sin is (eternal) death” (Romans 6:23). (healing, preaching, etc.) on the Sabbath -- not
The Messiah would have incurred the the PHYSICAL works of men!
eternal death penalty if he had disobeyed the YOU too, although not a minister
SLIGHTEST point of YEHOVAH’s law performing spiritual “works” for others on the
(James 2:10). Sabbath by preaching, can and should do other
Law and exactly what time to keep as the SELF for YEHOVAH’s Kingdom. You can do
Sabbath. And Yeshua the Messiah kept ALL of this by zealously STUDYING YEHOVAH’s
YEHOVAH’s commandments PERFECTLY! Word -- the Bible -- and by PRAYING to
He made it his “custom” to keep the Sabbath so YEHOVAH God on the Sabbath.

YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 2
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