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Lesson 8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 21
You can be literally FILLED with NOTES:
YEHOVAH’s holy spirit on this day of
especially close contact with YEHOVAH God --
the spirit which will guide you into all truth
(John 16:13). Then you will begin to GROW
spiritually, though almost imperceptibly at first.
But GROW you will! For you’ll be schooling
yourself on the TRUE Sabbath -- PREPARING
YOURSELF for the great work we are to
perform in this physical world after we are born
If you worship YEHOVAH every
Sabbath by PRAYING to Him and STUDYING
His Word and its APPLICATION in your life,
and put it into DAILY PRACTICE during the
week, then you will have YEHOVAH’s Sabbath
“sign” in the TRUE and SAVING sense. You
will be PREPARING to enter YEHOVAH’s
Kingdom as a priest and ruler! (Revelation
And if you continue to grow and
overcome, at the Messiah’s coming YEHOVAH
God will CHANGE you by giving you a
supremely efficient SPIRIT body capable of
eternal Kingdom!
Additional Study Material
From Sabbath to Saturday: The Story of the
Jewish Rest Day
Have We Been Observing the Sabbath At the
Wrong Time All These Years?
Answers to Questions in Lesson 7
1. obedience 2. family members 3. test
4. c. YEHOVAH God 5. No 6. He
rested 7. lunar 8. d. all mankind 9.
pattern 10. initial 11. Yes 12. sign
13. The Sabbath 14. eternal death 15.
special mission 16. Sabbath keeping
YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 2