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Lesson 8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 19

your perfect example -- AND KEEP LOOKING God in the very Kingdom of YEHOVAH God!
FOR WHAT YOU NEED -- you will find it. Yes, the Sabbath will become a great
YEHOVAH WILL NOT FORSAKE YOU “delight” (Isaiah 58:13) to us as we learn the
(Deuteronomy 4:30-31). ways of YEHOVAH and thrill to the prospect of
But there is one thing to remember. You becoming His very Sons.
must look and work HARD for what you need -- And keeping the Sabbath as YEHOVAH
YEHOVAH God will not intervene for one who God instructs will give us the SPIRITUAL LIFT
is LAZY! and INSPIRATION needed to help us do the
Pray for YEHOVAH’s guidance and next six days of work with joy and real purpose.
intervention on your behalf so you will have His It will help us to realize that our everyday
help in providing for your basic needs. experience of putting YEHOVAH’s Word into
2. Aren’t those who keep the Sabbath practice in our lives is BUILDING the very
promised they will also be “refreshed” CHARACTER OF YEHOVAH GOD!
physically? Exodus 23:12. Only when we keep the Sabbath in this
Now that we have learned about the way can we fully realize why Yeshua said it was
MATERIAL blessings YEHOVAH God made “FOR MAN” -- to be a great BLESSING
promises those who keep His Sabbaths, let’s for mankind! (Mark 2:27.)
learn about the far more important ETERNAL 4. What “name” does YEHOVAH God
SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS YEHOVAH promise those of us who faithfully observe His
promises us if we keep His Sabbaths properly. Sabbath every week according to the lunar
3. WHY should we forsake our own calendar? Isaiah 56:4-6. Will YEHOVAH make
ways and even our own thoughts on the faithful Sabbath keepers His joyful Sons with
Sabbath? Isaiah 55:8-9. POSITIONS of rulership in His own house, His
COMMENT: Since the Sabbath is the Temple -- the headquarters church of the whole
“sign’ which IDENTIFIES US as YEHOVAH’s world? The first 15 words of verse 5; first 18
obedient children, and since it points directly to words of verse 7 and Revelation 3:12.
our eternal GOAL of becoming sons of COMMENT: YEHOVAH specifically
YEHOVAH God with supremely powerful and promises us that if we do not pollute His
efficient spirit bodies, we are to LEARN TO BE Sabbath, but keep it in the SPIRIT -- BECOME
Here’s how we learn: PROSPECT OF REBELLION -- and keep it in
As human beings we do not, by our the letter by RESTING PHYSICALLY, we will
carnal nature, THINK the spiritual thoughts become the born Sons of His family and be
YEHOVAH thinks constantly. Therefore the co-rulers with the Messiah in the Kingdom of
way we begin to think GODLY THOUGHTS on YEHOVAH God, with headquarters in
and by PRAYING TO YEHOVAH God! being the obedient servants of YEHOVAH God!
You might say we are, in a sense, 5. Does YEHOVAH also give us a
practicing to be very God on the Sabbath when glimpse of the eternal city in which we’ll live
we literally SATURATE OUR MINDS with the and rule as His Sons? Revelation 21:1-2 and
PRINCIPLES OF YEHOVAH’S LAWS which 22:14. SKIM RAPIDLY the rest of the 21st
reveal His character -- how YEHOVAH thinks chapter and verses 1-5 of chapter 22 for the
and acts! So then, by properly keeping the glorious description of the breathtaking beauty
Sabbath, we are acting out or portraying our and splendor that will surround us in the NEW
future destiny -- that of being sons of the Living JERUSALEM!

YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 2
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