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In recent days I have been rather busy revising God, then you should find an opportunity to do
the online document entitled: "A New Look At so.
the Christian Sabbath" (current revision:
122199) now online in the Free Book Shop at I could never abandon (or disobey?!?) the (The revision Jews in their calendrical reckoning. Why
also includes some additional information con- would I? It is designed in such a way as to per-
cerning the seven weeks -- or pentecontad -- mit the Holy Days to fall in their correct place-
cycle, and includes an expanded appendix). ment. That's good. But, you won't catch me
having two days of atonement or trumpets as
The new information -- and the respective in- they do ---- the Torah teaches only one! And
dication -- of a formally defined Shabbath- you won't catch me going out of my way to
Chodesh seems to be rather significant, and be- wear a yamulka or any other hat in the pres-
cause some of you are attempting to observe a ence of God when the Torah forbades it! And
lunar based Sabbath, I thought I would give you wouldn't have caught me swearing an oath
you a notice. (Keep in mind that it would be against our Saviour and Lord as the Jews were
nice if these new indications of a formally ob- all required to do in the second century CE ---
served Sabbath Cycle were more clearly de- would you?
fined. Essentially, definitions are still
questionable, or remain missing, and more By the same token, Jesus would strenously
study and research is warranted.) work to aid someone in need on the Sabbath
and not obey the traditions of those Jews. And
The upcoming "echod beshabet" is indicated Jesus would walk "outside of the rope" and
to occur this very night [Dec. 22, 1999]. This pick grains to eat on the sabbath against the
occurrence seems especially significant as it ways of the Jews. Plus Jesus would rant and
arrives at perigree (when the Moon is closest rail freely against these heretics whenever they
to the Earth). Consequently, tonight's " echod proved to be perverting God's Law (as they
beshabet" will produce a Moon which is did and still do) or superimposing rules which
brighter than normal (about 17 percent). In ad- nullified God's Law (as they did and still do).
dition, the respective occurrence is at the sea-
sonal change-over (winter solstice). (Enjoy!). Oh, they do indeed carry with them the oracle
of God alright and we ALL implement that
-- Jim Dwyer when we view the year according to their in-
spired method of calculation which corre-
Of course, you know by now that I believe the sponds with and enhances the Torah perfectly
changes were made by the Jews, just as the ---- rather than, say, adopting another system
universal church "Christianized" sun worship, that could seem right to a man, like the Islamic
deism, and authoritarian style of gosticism. We method of strictly Lunar years which float
are attempting to restore all things without de- through the seasons. But we checked up on the
stroying the oracles of God which the Jews Jews (at least I did) by setting it against the
have preserved. rules in the Torah and we found that Passover,
for instance, must be the evening of the Four-
Unfortunately, in all matters, the Jews have teenth day of the first month (which is
seen fit to preserve the garbage with the good Nissan/Abib and always around springtime not
food. If you haven't yet read any of the material in the Fall as they have perverted it) and yet
which the Jews esteem more than the Torah follow other seasonally-specific rules -- hence
and which document (in part) the oracles of their calendar fits with God's calendar. By the