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did not observe as I understood.               Were we not fully convinced of Saturday for
                                                               many years and observed it in good conscience
                I've also been looking around at new opportu-  to the Lord? At one time or another I think most
                nities lately but with so many jobs available in  if not all of us have been on the opposite side
                the IT field, I was having a hard time deciding  of a Sabbath discussion whether it was
                where to go and have prayed for guidance. I Sunday/Saturday or Saturday/8,15,22,29 so we
                suddenly have some new criteria to point the   should all have a full appreciation for the sin-
                way! After coming to grips with my initial,    cerity of the different views.
                well-learned objections to this issue, I feel
                quite liberated. Saturday is no longer a day off-  "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my
                limits to most activities and I can take advan-  disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the
                tage of things like going skiiing, one-day sales  truth will set you free."
                or helping someone with some work on the
                weekend, etc. Being out of sync with the pagan       -- Message Board Posting by Darren Clarke
                week has a lot of little advantages in addition
                to its spiritual one.                          Dear Sir:

                Finally, in the interest of fostering a friendly  I appreciate your research regarding the
                discussion of differing viewpoints on this Sab-  American Indians. It is fascinating.
                bath question, I would just like to revisit  Rom
                14:5. One man considers one day more sacred    A couple of years ago, I wrote you about the
                than another; another man considers every day  Cherokee Indians. I had heard somewhere that
                alike. Each one should be fully convinced in   they might be Jewish. You said you would look
                his own mind.                                  into that. I have been attending a Messianic
                                                               congregation and the Rabbi said last night that
                Verse 6. He who regards one day as special,    there were grave stones found in Tennessee
                does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to  dating back 2000 years that have Hebrew writ-
                the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he   ing on them. I was flabbergasted. So, since
                who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives    Tennessee (and North Carolina) are the states
                thanks to God.                                 where the Cherokee are from, couldn't they be
                Verse 7. For none of us lives to himself alone
                and none of us dies to himself alone.          I look forward to hearing what you might have
                Verse 8. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if                                                   -- Elouise Root
                we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we
                live or die, we belong to the Lord.              Be sure to send us your comments, sug-
                                                                 gestions and viewpoints to be included in

                Verse 9. For this very reason, Christ died and   this section, to:
                returned to life so that he might be the Lord of
                both the dead and the living.                    Hope of Israel Mail Bag
                                                                 P.O. Box 6772
                Verse 10. You, then, why do you judge your       Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772, U.S.A.
                brother? Or why do you look down on your
                brother? For we will all stand before God's      E-Mail:
                judgment seat.                         

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