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same token, they have taken it upon themselves  Venus-day, our Friday, not Saturday anyway
                to not mix meat with dairy, and when we look   (which, by the way, using reasoning which
                in the Torah and see father Abraham do it and  seems good to a man, the Islamic world does
                notice that Moses makes a point of recording esteem Fridays) -- and if he changed that to be
                this fact, we know that the Jews are at best de-  Saturday, all TRUE Christians would not have
                ceived in this small point and at worst lying.  followed his error and they would have still
                                                               been faithful to his inspired teaching to follow
                We are, and I intend to, give honour to God's  him as he follows Christ.
                oracles whenever they are found --- and they
                are with the Jews. And we should shut up and   I think the hour is too late to be playing church
                listen to those who instruct us in them --- in-  any more. We don't need recognition from any-
                deed, as Jesus instructed. But we are also to  one. We don't need to worry about how much
                try and test all things to see that they are true  of the tithing pie we can get our hands on. We
                and discard the bad and cling to the good.     don't need numbers nor do we need to cling to
                                                               tradition for tradition's sake.
                When I read in Torah that there should be
                fringes on the garment and that the corners    Besides, Jesus instructed his followers to give
                should contains blue, I have no problem with   hearing to the scribes and Pharisees and there
                the Jewish tzit-tzit but I added a blue thread to  are not any of either any longer. So, we can do
                each corner because to not do so would com-    what John Keyser and some even before him
                pletely nullify the garment as a prayer shawl.  have done, and as Bill Dankenbring has often
                                                               done, and find what remains of God's oracles
                This is another time I'm glad that I was never  with them now in practice (originating with
                soiled with the authoritarian cult of personality  scribes and Pharisees) and the rest in what they
                named the Worldwide Church of God (Arm-        have recorded (i.e. some of the Mishnah) and
                strongism cum Tkachism). The feeling that one  test each against the words of Scripture and
                can go on foisting the responsibility of one's  once something is proven, adopt it immediately
                own salvation on others ("authorities") is ludi- and with a whole-hearted enthusiasm.
                crously anti-Christian. When Paul saw such
                things happening already in his day, he thun-  The Jews are not God's people now (in gen-
                derously rebuked the agitators and emphasized  eral) and were barely grasping at that straw
                that they must all look to Christ as their head  when our Lord walked amongst them -- but
                instead of bickering over which man they       they've lost that designation before and it will
                prefer.                                        be restored to them again. Once that temple
                                                               went down in 70CE, they were no longer truly
                He said to follow him only as he follows       God's people -- new Israel, the church, alone
                Christ -- not have a bad attitude in emulation of  was. And the little matter of crucifying the Son
                him as he sometimes succumbed to (as in the    of God whom "God's people" would surely
                case of Mark and Barnabas) but only as he fol-  have expected and welcomed, sealed their fate.
                lowed Christ. Since the beginning of the Pagan But, forcing synagogue worshipers to blas-
                astrological week in his day was Saturday      pheme God by swearing to denunciate Christ
                (since most of the known world most esteemed   was, unquestionably, the clincher. So, no, I
                the imaginary god Saturn) and there is abso-   will not follow the Jews, but I will honour the
                lutely no record of any other pattern for that  oracles of God which a very few of them carry
                style of week (the style the "world" uses to-  with them as Christ intended -- I won't twist
                day!) then Paul would have kept the Sabbath on like a lawyer. I will search, seek and reason

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