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8) Historical sources reveal the true origin of In my previous post on this topic I said that if I
our planetary week. We KNOW from that, if could prove the lunar week for myself then I
not from the names of the days alone, that would have some significant changes to make.
whatever its alignment with creation week, it As I write this on Dec 8 (Kislev 29) I am ob-
is NOT an invention of God's. That by itself serving my first lunar Sabbath! For me it is
ought to trigger a closer look at its history. The significant how this came about. As I said, it
Churches of God have been pretty diligent was this past weekend that I finally tallied all
about rooting out pagan origins in many areas the evidence to a conclusion. I knew that
but what accounts for this enormous blind spot Wednesday would be a Sabbath but I felt very
unless it was deliberately unrevealed until this dubious about going in to the office on Monday
time? Among my first thoughts on this matter and trying to negotiate a rearrangement of my
were of the Sabbath having special signifi- work schedule with no more than two days no-
cance as a test commandment and the disarray tice before I booked the first day off. So I hesi-
of God's church as our time of trial tated. I thought I'd probably have to let
approaches. Wednesday go by and start my observance on
Friday, Dec 17. I felt very uneasy about it
9) Historical sources also record an ancient though and it troubled me all day Monday.
calendar observed in Mesopotamia having lu-
nar months with four weeks anchored by the On Tuesday I was handed a perfectly legiti-
phases of the moon and on which a rest day mate excuse for staying home on Wednesday: I
was observed. They also record a pause of one developed a sudden, persistent sore throat.
or two days at month's end before the cycle re- There was none of the initial scratchiness that
peated anew. In my research I read a book usually serves as a warning during which I can
called "Waiting for the Weekend" by Wytold typically head off a cold with vitamin C, echi-
Rybczynski (ISBN 0-670-83001-1) in which nacea tea and a good night's sleep -- no day
he explores the origins of leisure, the weekend off. Once it's gone this far though I believe in
and the various weekly cycles observed by tackling it with rest, warmth and hot liquids at
various cultures from antiquity. His findings home which often stops it from developing into
parallel those of sources reported in John Key- a full-fledged cold. So my usual custom is to
ser's articles including the lunar weeks and stay home for a day or so to spare an uncom-
sabbaths punctuated by a one or two day break fortable 7-10 days for me and spreading a lot
between monthly cycles. of germs around the office. A legitimate sick
day to soothe a cold in its early stages, as I
Some have a problem with using any secular normally would, allowed me to stay home with
sources and where they are used to refute the a clear conscience. Praise God for the common
Bible I absolutely agree. But here it seems to cold! Leaving early on Tuesday in advance of
me we have a preponderance of the evidence a 16:40 sunset was not a problem since my
both biblical and secular all pointing to a lunar normal schedule is 7am-3pm. Of course I still
weekly cycle with one or two uncounted pause have to address the larger issue of a floating 4
days before the next cycle begins. What have day week (most weeks). Oddly enough, recent
we got on the other side? Nothing, it seems to events at the company where I work lead me to
me, except the assumption that the commission think that it might fly without too much trouble.
of the oracles of God to the Jews means their I might make 20% less or do some work on the
Sabbath schedule is infallible. For me it all weekend but my faith has to be in God not a
boils down to Saturday resting entirely on that paycheck; He will provide. I'd be a lot more
point. concerned if, being convinced of this truth, I