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empire arise out of this association. Instead, by the close of the medieval era, the nations of Europe had
        come into full bloom -- definitely individualistic as history so clearly testifies.

                                        Setting Up the Kingdom

               While these events were transpiring on the Continent, YEHOVAH God was proceeding with
        the setting up of His Kingdom in the Isles of Britain -- consolidating their position and separating them
        completely from continental nations. Following the invasion of England by William the Conqueror, there
        was war with France. During this period the Magna Carta was granted by King John (1215 A.D.) and
        Parliament was established in the reign of Henry III. The Hundred Year War (1337-1453 A.D.), for the
        recovery of the French lands lost by John, was begun by Edward III and carried on successfully by his
        son, the Black Prince. Henry VI continued the war which turned against the English after the death of
        Joan of Arc (1431 A.D.). Civil strife, known as the Wars of the Roses (1455-87 A.D.), between the
        factions of Lancaster and York ended with the rise to power of Henry Tudor. During the five Tudor
        reigns (1485-1603) the foundation of England's prosperity and greatness was laid.

               Edward VI (1547-53 A.D.) was responsible for the formation and institution of the rites and
        ceremonies of the English Church. His successor, Mary Tudor (1553-58 A.D.), directed her efforts to-
        ward re-establishing the Catholic Church. She lost Calais in 1557 A.D. -- the last English stronghold in

                                        Striking the Image Again

               Queen Elizabeth I came to the throne in 1558 A.D. and reigned until 1603 A.D. With the Eliza-
        bethan Period the rise of modern civilization began. Protestantism was firmly established during her reign
        and peace was made with France. England became recognized as one of the great powers. With the
        reign of Queen Elizabeth -- and the recognition of England as a great power -- the time had arrived for
        the "little stone" to renew its mission of striking the feet of the image.

               Not only was Israel of old used as the "smiting stone" in demolishing four powerful Empires, but
        also Israel, in the "Isles of the West," has been instrumental in saving the world from four more modern

        1)  In 1588 the Spanish Empire was supreme, and the Spanish Armada was sent from Catholic Spain to
        destroy the English navy, subdue England and bring it back under Catholicism. However, YEHOVAH
        God intervened and the Spanish Armada was defeated and the Spanish Empire finally demolished.
        Spain had fallen upon the "Stone Kingdom" and was crushed to powder.

        2)  Napoleon Bonaparte swept everything before him in Europe and seemed invincible. He gathered
        300,000 troops on the English Channel and said, "Give me four hours control of the English Chan-
        nel, and I will subdue England, and then all Europe." However, Napoleon never gained those four
        hours -- he then struck at Russia, set off for Moscow, and that was the end of him! At both the battle of

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