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Waterloo in 1815, and at Trafalgar in 1805, Napoleon learned the lesson that it was true what Daniel
                       the prophet said of the "smiting stone" of Israel -- its enemies would become "like the chaff of the
                       summer threshing-floors."

                       3)  In 1914 the Kaiser brought on World War I, with the invasion of Belgium, which Britain and the Al-
                       lies defended. The Kaiser proudly boasted -- "I will have my Christmas Dinner in Buckingham Pal-
                       ace when we win the war" -- however he failed to do so and, after the Armistice, finished up chopping
                       wood in exile in Holland! In 1917 the U.S.A. brought in fresh troops to the rescue, and the Kaiser soon
                       learned that to fall on the "Stone Kingdom" would result in being "ground to powder."

                       4)  In 1940, Adolf Hitler attacked Britain and threatened to destroy her, but YEHOVAH gave Britain
                       the "Miracle of Dunkirk" and the upper hand in the Battle of Britain. In 1941 Britain was joined by the
                       U.S.A., and eventually the Allies triumphed. Hitler also had fallen on the "Stone Kingdom," and also
                       learned the lesson of the prophet Daniel that to do so would result in his becoming "like the chaff of
                       the summer threshing-floor." How wonderful and true is the Word of YEHOVAH!

                       The Spanish Armada

                              The first blows of the modern efforts of the "Stone Kingdom" were directed at the European
                       nation of Spain as it attempted to force England into the Catholic realm. Under the direction of Philip II
                       of Spain a great armada was built and launched with the purpose of striking a decisive blow at Protes-
                       tantism by the conquest of England. Pope Sextus V had assigned England to Philip and blessed his un-
                       dertaking. This great armada consisted of 129 vessels, 65 of which weighed over 700 tons, with 8,000
                       sailors and 19,000 Castilian and Portuguese soldiers. Queen Elizabeth had 80 ships, only 30 of which
                       were ships of the line. But the superior naval skill and experience of the English admirals, together with
                       the fact that their vessels were smaller, enabled them to attack the larger ships of the Spanish Fleet far
                       more effectively. The guns of the Spanish Fleet fired over the smaller English vessels and this helped de-
                       feat the Spaniards in 1588 A.D. The destruction was completed by violent storms and only 54 out of
                       the original 129 vessels ever made it back to Spanish ports.

                              England's independence was saved and Protestantism (with elements of YEHOVAH's people
                       among them) was safe -- but the Spanish naval power was completely demolished. The "little stone" had
                       struck a major blow! Writes Howard B. Rand: "It is an interesting observation regarding this religious
                       conflict that it was a struggle between two distinct conceptions of life. One believed in the all-powerful
                       Church with a subservient State that would always do its bidding. The other believed in the freedom of
                       conscience and worship and a State not subject to the dictation of ecclesiastical leaders" (Study in
                       Revelation, p. 109).

                              Thereafter the House of Jacob in the Isles was well on its way toward the fulfillment of that
                       phase of its mission which would see the complete smashing of the image accomplished. Following the
                       destruction of the Spanish Armada, the foundation of England's colonial expansion and wealth was laid.
                       With the commencement of her maritime supremacy the growth of trade and commerce began in Eng-
                       land. England went to the assistance of the Reformation forces on the Continent and was at war with
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