Page 23 - BV14
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Waterloo. Thus the "little stone" struck a terrific blow that prevented France, under Napoleon, from re-
alizing its dream of world conquest and building a 5th world empire.
World War I and the "Times of the Gentiles"
One hundred years later, in 1914 A.D., Kaiser Wilhelm Hohenzollern of Germany made a bid
for world power. The Stone Kingdom went into action once again and, with the help of the United
States, Germany was defeated in 1918 A.D. The time had arrived when Daniel's Stone Kingdom began
the process that would eventually lead to the ultimate dissolution of the Babylonian Succession of
Also, we should recognize the fact that by 1914 A.D. -- or 2,520 years after Nebuchadnezzar
became King -- the "Times of the Gentiles" were about to expire. During World War I the city of Jeru-
salem was set free from the rule of the Islamic Turks, also at the end of a 2,520-year period from the
time Nebuchadnezzar took the city and carried away many captives to Babylon. These two events, the
German declaration of war in 1914 and the taking of Jerusalem in 1917, should have been trumpet
blasts of warning to YEHOVAH's people that the age was about to end. Germany -- in the early days
of the forming of that nation -- was instrumental in defeating the Roman Empire and became the spear-
head or heart upon the Continent of the Babylonian Succession of Empires. The 2,520 years had run
their course since the "head of gold," or Nebuchnezzar's Kingdom, was established. Yeshua the Mes-
siah gave Jerusalem a sign when he said:
And Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be
fulfilled (Luke 21:24).
Because many in the Churches of God were unaware of the identity of the Kingdom people, the
significance of the taking of Jerusalem by General Allenby was totally lost to them -- and the Kaiser's
attack in 1914 was just another war. But Jerusalem had been released from Gentile control according to
prophecy and the end of the "Times of the Gentiles" was at hand.
Hitler and the Miracle of Dunkirk
The defeat of Kaiser Wilhelm in 1918 did not bring the Babylonian Succession of Empires to an
end. Germany, though defeated, was not entirely vanquished, and the second phase of world war flared
up anew on September 3, 1939. Great Britain was again at war with Germany but this time Hitler -- not
the Kaiser -- was in power. Daniel's little stone again began to smite the feet of the image and, with the
help once again of the United States, unconditional surrender was demanded and received. This ended
the political and military might of Germany and her allies and, correspondingly, the political and military
phases of Babylonian activity had come to their end.
The Stone Kingdom struck again at the feet of iron and clay. Not only did the armies of Israel
strike the image, figuratively speaking, but they also hit the geographical foot of that image when the in-
vasion of Italy began. Following the current events and world developments of the time, Destiny