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magazine clearly identified the then future invasion of Italy to be in accord with the Divine plan. There-
        fore, in the magazine for August 1943 we find, under the title "Hitting the Feet of Clay", the following
        analysis --

               Unless one sees the Kingdom it is impossible to correctly appraise the significance of the
               move into Africa with the American and British successes upon that continent. Nor can
               one fully appreciate the full meaning of the attack upon the island outposts of Italy as our
               armed forces move toward invading the seat of the ancient Roman Empire.

               Knowing that there is a plan -- a Divine plan of operation -- to be followed by a certain
               people who were to be used of God in His war against evil aggression, the identification
               of that people brings a significance to the African moves which is entirely lost to those
               who have failed to recognize this identity. Why were the armies of Great Britain with-
               drawn from Europe and why, instead of following through with the defense against the
               aggressors in France, are the successful attacks upon the European fortress being made by
               way of Italy? It is imperative that men know the origin of nations in order to understand
               the meaning of these present moves.

               News from the Mediterranean has stressed the "pulverizing" effect of the mass bombings
               of the isles adjacent to Italy and the results following the extension of these bombings to
               Sicily and the mainland. There immediately comes to mind the vision of a stone grinding
               the iron and clay to powder, the final details of which breaking and grinding are now be-
               coming evident in the present world conflict....

               Tactical moves in the present world conflict are clearly demonstrating the identity of the
               Anglo-Saxon peoples with the Stone Kingdom, and this is but added evidence as to their
               origin. Great Britain rushed troops to France in the inception of World War II -- expect-
               ing to hold the Germans as they were ultimately held and defeated in World War I. Then
               there came the collapse of France and the withdrawal of Israel's armies from the conti-
               nent. The time had come, however, when the image was to be smashed, but the attack
               must be directed at its feet in accord with what Daniel so clearly outlined in the interpre-
               tation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream as the way the Stone would overcome aggressive

               Before the attack could be successfully made, all Israel must unite and so, following
               Dunkirk, we had our Pearl Harbor which united us with Great Britain in a common cause
               against all aggression. The Stone Kingdom -- the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples -- were
               now united and ready to move, not against Germany by a frontal attack upon the Euro-
               pean fortress, but against its weakest point: the feet of clay....

               Italy will not be able to stand before the massed striking power of the Stone Kingdom as
               the mighty air armadas of the United States and Great Britain increasingly pulverize her
               airdromes and cities. The breaking up process is on and Daniel declares that when the
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