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                   Herbert W. Armstrong I know --  Jonathan       Great Lakes at the same time Europe erupted
                   Brown (Keeping Yahweh's Appointments) who      into the Bronze Age. Between both continents,
                   is he?                                         the island of Atlantis was described by the Greek
                                                                  philosopher, Plato, as rich in mineral wealth. In
                   Did some Sacred Namers run ahead of us in the   this sequel to The Lost Pyramids of Rock Lake,
                   quest for plain truth?                         read the untold story of the Ancient World's
                                                                  greatest mystery.
                   If I am to keep the Sabbath as per new moon
                   timing, when will this be for me here in N.Z.? I   The Lost Pyramids of Rock Lake, by Frank
                   don't believe that God stuck the date line at this   Joseph.
                   end of the Pacific where the modern day starts
                   some 10 hours ahead of Jerusalem.              The history and discovery of a prehistoric, stone
                                                                  City of the Dead at the bottom of a Wisconsin
                   It may be that these and other questions will be   lake. Read about its connections to the Valley of
                   answered for me by The Berean Voice.           Mexico & beyond. Chapters include "How Did
                                                                  the Pyramids Sink?" and "Native Americans
                   Hope so and thank you,                         Remember the Pyramid Drama."
                   P.J. (New Zealand)
                                                                  I realize that your article explains some of these
                   COMMENT:    Dear P.J., I'm not sure what you   things, but these books explain things maybe
                   mean by the Sacred Namers running ahead of us   better.
                   in the quest for truth. YEHOVAH's truth is out
                   there in its entirety --  it's just not found in one   Thank you for your time,
                   place! The goal and thrust of this ministry is to   By the way, what is your denominational
                   gather up YEHOVAH's truth into one location    affiliation and are you a 501 c 3?
                   for those with the spirit of YEHOVAH to read
                   and study. We don't claim to have all truth -- it's   L.P.
                   a slow, steady process as we are led forward by
                   the spirit of YEHOVAH.                         COMMENT: Thank you, L.P., for your input --
                                                                  I will certainly check out these publications.
                   Regarding the Sabbath, it should be observed per   For the true location of Atlantis, consult The
                   the New Moon timing in Jerusalem -- not in your   Sunken Kingdom: The Atlantis Mystery Solved,
                   local area. For further information read our   by Peter James.
                   articles about the Sabbath and the calendar,   For an explanation of the copper mining in the
                                                                  Upper Great Lakes read, The "Lost" Ten Tribes
                                     ***                          of Israel...Found, by Steven M. Collins.

                   Hello H-O-I,                                                     ***
                   I am reading your article on the Aztec migration.
                   I am currently learning about these things. But   Dear Brother in the name of our Savior Jesus,
                   curiously, in your article you mention that the
                   Aztecs were originally from a place called     Greetings of love and grace be to you all in the
                   Aztlan. Do you know there is a site in Southern   name of our savior Jesus Christ.
                   Wisconsin named Aztlan with a sunken city in
                   Rock Lake 3 miles away?                        I am the pastor serving the God's work keeping
                                                                  and winning souls for Jesus by my commitment
                   If you are interested in furthering your study   and meditation and also underwent to Bible
                   check out:                                     Course Training and going on carry at
                                Siddantham and surrounding villages by name
                                 GOOD        SHEPHERD         DESTITUTE
                                                                  CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY that beside of
                   There are several books on this subject by Frank   Lord's work there is something service that
                   Joseph: Atlantis in Wisconsin, by Frank Joseph.  orphan hunger children Home that there are so
                                                                  many children and some body are begging in the
                   Somebody excavated half a billion pounds of the   streets before Hindu people. But I am not able to
                   world's highest grade copper from the Upper    supply all of their needs but some time I am

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