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                   feeding and supply some of their needs to all of   seven-day cycle could have been implemented
                   them with Christian understanding love why     without  major uproar and controversy. Do you
                   because I know the poor situation that I came   have any evidence of such an uproar?
                   also from poor family of Idolatry worship that by
                   the Will of God the Almighty God chosen and    5/.  The Jewish leadership must have been
                   called me for His service to carry forward in His   observing the Sabbath on the correct day during
                   grapes garden. So I know what is person in poor   Messiah's ministry or he would have upbraided
                   condition. So I am feeding them who are poor   them for it. Also he would have taught his
                   and needy and orphan hunger children as per    disciples correctly and they would have recorded
                   Word of God that James 1:27; Isaiah 58:7-8 and   it for us. My conclusion is that until at least 90
                   etc., that due to lack of sufficient offerings from   AD the correct Sabbath was being observed. In
                   poor and needy church members I am facing      your opinion, when was the Sabbath cycle
                   money problems and unable to supply all of the   changed, and what do you base this opinion on?
                   needs. So pray for us all needs of Lord's work
                   and orphan hunger children as per living Word   6/.  Do you know of any other groups which
                   of God to get righteousness right side people,   follow Sabbaths based on the Lunar Phases? Do
                   Matt. 25:31-40.                                you know of any Jewish or Nazarene Sects
                                                                  which observe this?
                   We are praying for you all and your wonderful
                   service. Pray for us all and our render service.   I thank you for any info you can provide to these
                   The Almighty God bless you all and service out   questions.
                   of Zion.
                                                                  J. & P.M. (Washington)
                   Awaiting your blessings and benedictions in
                   Holy Jesus Name.                               COMMENT: Thank you for your message and
                                                                  thoughtful questions. I will try to answer them as
                   Your Loving Brother in Christian Love,         best I can.
                   P.S.R. (India)
                                                                  1/.  The countdown to the first Sabbath of the
                                     ***                          month is based on the first crescent in Jerusalem.
                                                                  Jerusalem was chosen by YEHOVAH God as
                   We are amazed by the information on keeping    the capital of the world and the place where He
                   the Sabbath by the lunar phases. We have       and the Messiah will reside when they return.
                   observed the Sabbath by the Roman calendar for   During the lifetime of the Messiah the new
                   many years. For the past 1 1/2 years we have   moons  were  observed  in  Jerusalem  and
                   been interested in and studying the "New Moon"   transmitted by fire beacons to people in outlying
                   without understanding exactly why. We would    areas and lands. If the Sabbath is kept according
                   appreciate your opinion on a couple of questions:  to local sightings nothing but chaos will ensue
                   !/.  A few times a year the "First Crescent" is   with people around the world keeping it at
                   sighted in the USA the night before it is spotted   different times.
                   in Jerusalem. Do you start the countdown to the
                   first Sabbath based on the USA sighting or     2/.  We observe the Feast of Trumpets when the
                   Jerusalem, and what is your rationale for your   moon is in the first crescent sighting.
                                                                  3/.  We have nothing more at this time regarding
                   2/.  Do you observe the Feast of Trumpets when   the changeover from the lunar week to a rotating
                   the moon is in conjunction or at the first crescent   seven day cycle. There is some interesting
                   sighting?                                      information about the weekly cycle on James
                                                                  Dwyer's website at:
                   3/.  Do you have any additional information (in
                   addition to that in your website articles) on the   Books you can read on this topic are: The Seven
                   Babylonian Rabbis changing the Sabbath from    Day Circle: The History and Meaning of the
                   lunar based to a rotating seven-day cycle?     Week, by Eviatar Zerubavel; and Rest Days: The
                                                                  Christian Sunday, the Jewish Sabbath, and
                   4/. I am amazed that a change as fundamental to   Their  Historical  and  Anthropological
                   the Jewish Religion and culture as the rotating   Prototypes, by Hutton Webster.

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