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                   occurred to me I have two good friends who     months and an excellent understanding by the
                   were long time members of Worldwide, one now   Karaites as to what Abib really means.
                   with the Mr. Meredith group, and the other with
                   United.                                        I am not a Karaite but I respect their willingness
                                                                  to keep the true biblical calendar and be our
                   So here's two addresses and may the great      watchmen on the wall regarding these matters.
                   Yahweh open up their eyes to truth.
                                                                  Rather than repeat, I have included a faq from
                   Enclosed a little for the postage, etc. It costs, I've   their website that defines the pertinent scriptures
                   been mailing them some things that I copied.   and explanations for use in determining Abib as
                                                                  Yahweh's beginning of months.
                   And may the great Father just keep on inspiring
                   your people there, I pray that the whole world   Your use of the equinox and solstices does not
                   would learn truth.                             work. It would be difficult to imagine that the
                                                                  Priests would use a celestial component when
                   Sincerely,                                     the agricultural components are available. It also
                   R.C.                                           is not correct to assume that there would be no
                                                                  grain in the "rest" years otherwise there would
                                     ***                          also not be a wave sheaf offering in those years.

                   Hello, and thank you for sending me The Berean   The barley has been seen in an Abib state and the
                   Voice. After reading Counting in the Hebrew    new year started at sundown on March 15 in
                   Idiom I still have a question. After all is said and   Jerusalem. While Hillel II's calendar, "the Jewish
                   done, is Saturday the Sabbath or not?          calendar" is off by a day or two generally
                                                                  because it is based on the conjunction, it usually
                   Thank you again,                               follows the months pretty closely because of
                   N.T.                                           their nineteen-year cycle.

                   COMMENT:    No, Saturday is not the Sabbath.   My hope would be that we can promote the new-
                   However, the weekly Sabbath can fall on        moon based Shabbats by following Yahweh's
                   Saturday occasionally --  just like it can on any   command to begin the new year in the month of
                   other day of the week in the present Gregorian   Abib.
                                                                  Keep up the great work.
                                     ***                          With Love, in the name of Yahshua,
                                                                  COMMENT:     Dear Y., thank you for your
                   Your original article in the Jan/Feb 2000 Berean   message.  Regarding  the  calendar  some
                   Voice re: Yahweh's Sabbath Day came from the   (including yourself, it seems) have believed, due
                   "Your Arms to Israel" newsletter and I must    to the fact that YEHOVAH's calendar highlights
                   confess I devoured it. Not only does it make so   agricultural details, that the state of the barley
                   much intuitive sense, you have done a great job   harvest determines which new moon to start the
                   of laying it out from scripture. It truly has the   year. You believe, it seems, that the barley has to
                   ring of authenticity about it. I am surprised that it   be sufficiently in ear during the Feast of
                   has taken this long to "make the rounds."      Unleavened Bread to be used for the omer of the
                                                                  wave sheaf offering.
                   I then sent you an e-mail asking about a current
                   calendar and subsequently, came across the     However, we should note the fact that during the
                   article in your Nov/Dec 2001 re: The Calendar.  40 years of Israel's wanderings in the wilderness
                   I want to tell you that I did not know it is   that they did not sow or harvest crops because
                   possible to be that excited and then crash on the   they were supernaturally fed by YEHOVAH
                   rocks of new-age thinking all in the same day.  God -- see Exodus 16:35. They, therefore, would
                   There is plenty of reference in the Scriptures to   not have used the criterion of the maturing barley
                   the month of Abib being Yahweh's beginning of   to determine when the new year should begin.
                                                                  Even when they arrived in the land of Canaan

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