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corporation, let alone a city or more. At least we 2. Is your foundation fundamental Judaism?
develop right attitudes toward others, our (Not Talmudic)
brethren, and the folks across the street, our
neighbors, with Agape. 3. I'm seeking a proper TaNakh and have
decided on an Artscroll, Stone edition. How do
D.B. (Arkansas) you feel about the Artscroll? Which TaNakh do
you suggest and how can an indigent inmate
COMMENT: I believe we sent you the missing acquire a volume?
Sep-Oct 2000 issue. If not let us know and we
will get it to you. As soon as time allows, we 4. Send me any information on the resurrection
will convert this issue into a .pdf file and place it of Ez. 37.
on the websites.
5. How do you feel about Rashi Ramban?
Regarding the Bible Correspondence Course --
it is up for review and major changes in content Thanks.
and layout are taking place due to the exciting
truth YEHOVAH God has led us into. As a COMMENT: We do not have a "Statement of
result, many things in the old course are way off Faith" as such because YEHOVAH God is
the mark. As soon as the new course is leading us into more and more truth that would
completed it will be posted on the websites. invalidate any "Statement of Faith" we may have
come up with in the past!
Unfortunately, the "Secret Rapture" theory is
completely bogus and was not even a Our foundation is YEHOVAH's Word, the Bible
consideration in the doctrines of Christianity -- both Old and New Testaments. You could say
until the 19th century. We are planning a that our foundation is fundamental Judaism in
comprehensive article on this subject sometime that we clearly see that the Sabbath and Holy
in the future. In the meantime, there are two Days are to be observed -- and not the pagan
articles on our websites that cover this issue to holidays of so-called Christianity. However, we
some degree. They can be found at our main do not subscribe to all the baggage and
website at: "traditions of the elders" that is a part of Judaism.
*** I am not familiar with the Artscroll/Stone edition
of the Tanakh. I use The New JPS Translation
Sirs, According to the Traditional Hebrew Text as a
part of my reference library. I refer to many
I'm Jewish and a believer in Messiah. I received other versions of the Bible in my research since
a copy of your publication in June 2001. I most of them have their own errors or "quirks"
scanned it and put it away for a few weeks and I don't like to be tied down to one particular
because of the study I was involved in at the translation.
time. After reading your publication (that I have
no idea how I got it), I was impressed and the Regarding Ramban or Maimonides, he is just
comments and scripture understanding is very another false rabbi or purveyor of Talmudic and
fundamental and very Hebraic. Can you please Mishnaic rubbish that has become a part of
send me your publication on a regular basis. I Judaism as we know it today. Judaism, as
received the May-June Issue. Can you catch me practiced today by the Jews of the world, is a far
up and please send any other information that cry from the truth YEHOVAH God placed in the
will be beneficial to me and my other Jewish Bible.
brethren that have come to the knowledge of
Yeshua HaMashiach. Thanks in advance. ***
Shalom, Dear Mr. Keyser, and fellows there working.
D.M. (Texas)
How much can I thank you for this latest Berean
P.S. 1. Please send me your Statement of Faith. Voice? This is eye opening articles. I'm not
through reading yet, as I must study it. But, it
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