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                   Among the 800 artifacts archaeologists also    led a party of 160 men and women in three ships.
                   found soapstone oil lamps, a  bone needle and   They stayed three years, and his wife, Gudrid,
                   more iron nails. Some of the smaller houses    gave birth to a boy, Snorri, presumably the first
                   appeared to be workshops for carpenters and    European born in America.
                   weavers. A spindle whorl attested to work with
                   textiles, and since Vikings considered this    One of the advantages of the L'Anse aux
                   women's work, at least some of the expeditions   Meadows camp, scholars say, was its safe
                   must have included women.                      distance from native Indians. But at other
                                                                  settlements, the Vikings had several bloody
                   The absence of evidence of any barns, Dr.      encounters with the Indians, whom they called
                   Wallace said, indicated that this was not a    Skraelings, a derogatory Old Norse word
                   farming settlement, but a base camp for the    meaning wretch. In a time before gunpowder, the
                   Vikings as they surveyed the region for likely   Vikings with spears and axes held no arms
                   places for more permanent occupation.          advantage over the Indians with bows and
                                                                  arrows, and the Indians outnumbered them.
                   In an essay for the exhibition's companion book,
                   Dr. Wallace wrote, "The silent ruins of the    "Internal conflicts as well as attack from the
                   L'Anse aux Meadows site tell a fascinating story   natives eventually led to their departure,"
                   of the people who built them, when they were   concluded Dr. Gisli Sigurdsson, a Norse scholar
                   there, what they did and why they were there."   at the Arni Magnusson Institute in Reykjavik,
                   This week's heavy snow on the
                   restored houses evoked a vision of                        "We have been to the Moon, but
                   the Vikings' first winter here:                           we haven't yet established bases
                   Labrador, their Markland, is barely                       there," Dr. Wallace said. "The
                   visible across the strait leading                         same was the case for the Norse
                   from the Atlantic Ocean into the                          and Vinland."
                   Gulf of St. Lawrence. A small fishing boat rests
                   on a wooden stand. Fish hang drying on a rack.   Long afterward, though, Vikings from Greenland
                   Firewood is stacked near the entrance to the long   repeatedly visited the shores of Labrador for
                   house. Smoke, rising through a roof hatch, is   timber and food. Archaeologists have found
                   swept away in the stiff wind.                  Norse artifacts, including spun yarn, there and on
                                                                  northern Baffin Island. Since neither the early
                   Inside, people lounge on benches facing a fire for   Eskimos nor their immediate Inuit successors
                   warmth and cooking. They sharpen knives and    spun yarn or worked wood by sawing, nailing
                   axes, carve pieces of wood and mend clothing,   and mortising, Dr. Patricia Sutherland of the
                   garments of wool from home and animal skins    Archaeological Survey of Canada said, the
                   from their travels. By the light of a soapstone   artifacts pointed to extensive contacts with the
                   lamp in a corner, someone fingers the ring head   Greenland  Norse  for  several  centuries.
                   of the bronze pin, calling up memories of      Beginning this summer, Dr. Sutherland will
                   Europe.                                        conduct new studies of these artifacts and search
                                                                  for more in the Canadian Arctic.
                   All the while, they spin stories of seas they have
                   sailed and places they have found, stepping    But archaeologists hold out little hope of finding
                   stones of land across the North Atlantic, first the   another Viking camp like L'Anse aux Meadows.
                   Faeroe Islands northwest of Scotland, then     Some previous finds have turned out to be
                   Iceland and Greenland, now here at the gateway   misleading or bogus. A Norse penny minted in
                   to Vinland. Someday their tales would be written   the late 11th century turned up at an Indian site
                   down as the Norse sagas.  The ones about       in Maine, but it is generally thought to have
                   Vinland would scarcely be believed, at least not   gotten there by trade. A stone tower in Newport,
                   until the discovery of these ruins.            R.I., once hailed as Viking, was actually built in
                                                                  the 17th century. Both Minnesota's Kensington
                   Serious Viking exploration of Vinland probably   Stone, bearing Norse writing, and Yale's Vinland
                   lasted little more than a decade. After Ericson's   Map are now widely judged to be modern fakes.
                   single expedition, his role as Vinland explorer
                   was assumed by Thorfinn Karlsefni, who once
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