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where warriors who die fighting dwell. This is testing in comparing skeletal materials recovered
very similar to the concept of Valhalla. from Ohio and presently warehoused by the
Smithsonian, with human remains from Welsh
Some of these things the Algonquians already tombs.
understood. But as the Vikings and the
Algonquian women intermarried, we have The thrust of their research appears to verify the
become known as the light-skinned nation in the arrival, some 1,400 years ago, of the Welsh
northeast. prince known as Modoc. The group claims to
-- Iron Thunderhorse have uncovered "his coat-of-arm, national flag,
epitaph, secret symbol for God, circle-cross with
Researchers Find Evidence for coat-of-arms, a 'dead' alphabet, bracelets, jaw
bone and 6th Century eulogy," according to
6th Century Welsh Prince in Michael. "Epix Film Company of London is in
Ohio the process of raising $1 million for the
production of a 6-hour documentary on this
James Michael is the head of the Ancient subject. The material shown in this program will
Kentucky Historical Association, headquartered be the basis of the American portion of this
in La Grange. He and his fellow Associates, production. The companion book to this film is
many of them medical doctors, professors and now ready and currently entitled, Ancient
other professionals, have uncovered implements Kentucky Inscriptions and Mummies."
left behind in the Ohio Valley by 6th Century
Britons, who arrived in America shortly after Modoc's presence in the New World has been
567 A.D. He and his medical members report suspected since at least the early 19th Century,
matching blood factors of a group of people when the famous Western portrait painter,
known as the Melungeons in George Catlin, visited the Mandan Indians.
eastern Tennessee to those of the James Michael and his colleagues
inhabitants of Wales and the at the Ancient Kentucky Historical
Iberian Peninsula. Association are the first, however,
to offer intriguing evidence that
Prince Modoc and his Welsh
Their findings were first published followers actually did arrive in
in 1990's Tennessee North America, nearly a thousand
Anthropologist. Since then, additional, years before Columbus.
supportive evidence has come to light in the
form of several artifacts emblazoned with
Maltese and Celtic crosses, together with -- Wayne May
smelted bracelets carbon-dated to the 6th
Century and literally hundreds of non-Indian John Norden, Topographer
burial crypts resembling types used in early
Britain throughout the Ohio Valley. John Norden was one of the founders of British
topography. Born of a genteel family in 1548, he
One of the A.K.H.A. members, Dr. Ray Hayes, came to the favour of Queen Elizabeth I and her
discovered that 13th and 14th Century explorers, great minister, Lord Burghley. In 1593, he was
including Vasco Da Gama and Sir Walter authorized by the Queen to travel through
Raleigh, reported that some of the Native England and Wales to make "more perfect
American Indians, who, supposedly, had never descriptions, charts and maps." It is not known
seen white men before, were already practicing how far he travelled, though in 1595 he
Christians. undertook an extended journey through
Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire,
No armchair explorer, Michael has traveled to the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands. He
Wales and London's British Museum to research conceived the grand design of a topography of
old manuscripts and other evidence he hopes can Britain, county by county.
further substantiate connections between the
Ohio Valley and the "legendary" King Arthur. Although he lived some thirty years after the
His A.K.H.A. has worked through the start of his project, Norden only published two
Smithsonian Institute for permission to use DNA parts of his Speculum Britanniae, Middlesex