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                   By the early 15th century, the Norse also had to   Ojigwano is a Keeper of the Lore and is thus
                   abandon Greenland. After centuries of relative   designated to care for and protect numerous
                   warmth, which had favored North Atlantic       items, such as wampum belts and other artifacts,
                   travels, the global climate took a frigid turn, and   for the Algonquian Confederacy. One very
                   the colony's trade with Norway declined sharply.   important item is called the Primstaven, a
                                                                  wooden staff carved by Vikings who arrived in
                   The era of Viking marauding had long since     Algonquian county around 11-- A.D.
                   passed. To some scholars the Norman invasion
                   of England in 1066 was the last great Viking   He explains that the runic inscriptions on the
                   raid; many Normans were descended from         staff tell us basically that the Vikings and the
                   helmeted Vikings who  had earlier seized their   Algonquians, though of different races, are
                   land. And now the era of Viking western        Keepers of the Truth and Understanding. There's
                   expansion had also ended. All that was left were   more to this than meets the eye, so I'll explain
                   the sagas, and ruins of some sod houses on a   what I was taught about this connection.
                   bleak Canadian coast.
                                                                  Viking warriors were called "Berserkers," a word
                   Writing of the Vikings who had to give up their   which derives from Old Norse and literally
                   Vinland dreams, Dr. Sigurdsson said, "You      means "Bear Shirt."  The Vikings were a
                   spend the rest of your life boasting of the great   shamanic culture who believed in magic and a
                   time you had with your mates when you spent    pantheon.  Berserkers  believed  they  could
                   the summers sailing across the seven seas and   transform themselves to become as ferocious as a
                   finding new and previously unheard of lands,   bear when doing battle. They wore these
                   just like the Icelandic sagas tell us."        bearskin tunics as a symbol of their ferocity.
                                                                  This is why berserkers were depicted as being in
                                                    -- By John Noble Wilford  a frenzy, or a rage, almost invulnerable.
                                                                  The Algonquians held to similar beliefs known
                      Algonquians and the Vikings                 as Bearwalkers. The ability to shape shift is well
                                                                  known in many Native American tribes; the
                   William Commanda was born on November 11,      Algonquians attribute this ability to our culture-
                   1912 on the Manawaki Algonquian Reserve in     hero, Gluscap. In one Algonquian dialect of the
                   Quebec, Canada and has lived there all his life.   northeast, the following saying (part of a legend)
                   His Algonquian name is Ojigwano, which refers   still survives today: "Qeni yaliyat skitkomig
                   to the planet Venus (known to us as the Dawn   mecimiw kisi mili acehlosu," which means:
                   Star).                                         "when he started to roam the earth, he could
                                                                  change himself into many forms."

                                                                  So, as the Vikings and Algonquians learned to
                                                                  communicate with each other, they realized they
                                                                  were brothers of the Bear Clan. They also
                                                                  realized that the Algonquians' two major clans
                                                                  were the Wolf Clan and Bear Clan. The wolf
                                                                  also played an integral part in Viking lore.
                                                                  Algonquians have a curing ceremony known as
                                                                  the Bear Sweat Lodge; tales of Bears raising
                                                                  human children, teaching them to live as bears.
                                                                  In the Northern Algonquian tribes such as the
                                                                  Cree, Wolf is the one who creates earth.

                                                                  The biggest star in the Big Dipper is called
                                                                  Maskwa -- the Great Bear -- and one Algonquian
                                                                  Tribe has a society which enacts a ritual each
                                                                  year "when the Great Bear in the Sky comes
                                                                  down to Earth." The Milky Way is also known as
                                                                  the Wolf Road to Algonquians, the trail of souls
                                                                  which leads to our "happy hunting grounds,"
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