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which surpasses knowledge; so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God
(Eph. 3:14-19, emphasis mine).
Yes indeed, reader, it is one thing to be God incarnate-- knowing all things and
acting according to what you had previously planned and decided -- occupying a human
body; spending a few years on earth and removing your true essence from the physical
body at death. Doing all this while knowing full well-- by sight and not by faith -- that
death was not really the end. It is another thing entirely to live a sinless life under law:
accept the Messianic mission of life and cruel death "by faith" when death was not
required of oneself; press on and die the death of redemption and humility; and to accept
"by faith" that death was not really the end while trusting in the promises of an unseen
God to resurrect you.
You see, reader, Jesus faced death like every God-trusting mortal and on the same
terms with those of us that embrace his promise of resurrection and immortality. We
believe it because we read of it in the scriptures. We trust in it because of the historical
testimony that Jesus was raised from the dead. Jesus believed it because he trusted the
Old Testament scripture concerning the Messiah that said,
You will not abandon my soul to Hades nor will you allow your godly one to see
Yes, God loved humanity to the point that He was willing to give us His only
begotten son; the only one in the history of the world that was flawless in his life and
obedience. If we, as sinners, are precious to our Creator just think of how dear Jesus must
have been to the Father.
Now, try to grasp the love of this man Jesus who accepted his lot in life and faced
the cruel, redemptive death of the tree that all believers might share in his inheritance.
Yes, indeed, this is the love that surpasses knowledge. This is the view of the unique man
Jesus and NOT God incarnate.
Non-Israelite Jewry
For generations the Jewish people and their affairs have been constantly in the news.
How strange, then, that most people either know next to nothing about their origin or,
even worse, have a completely wrong impression on the subject. Still more remarkable is
the fact that “Christians” generally seem farthest from the truth. It appears to be taken for
granted that all Jewish people are Israelites and that there are no Israelites in the world
except the Jews. This mistaken view is all the more difficult to understand in that the
religious leaders of modern Jewry know, and frankly admit, that their community
contains small remnants of only two of Israel’s clans and that the great mass of their
people are not Israelites at all, in a racial sense.
Kevin Brook’s recent book, The Jews of Khazaria reviews the evidence now available.
His timely exposition clearly shows that all Jews are not Israelites, and that the vast
majority are descended from converts to Judaism from other races.