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                HOPE OF ISRAEL

                M         Thanks for your insight and information regard-  Hope of Israel Ministries Acct.# 623580206
                          ing Baal Shemen and other ancient mysteries that
                          have been perplexing me...your site is wonder-  Dear Mr. Keyser,
                          fully informative.
                                                                    Enclosed please find my check for $... for an of-
                          A query, if I may?                        fering before the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
                A         What would one think of a person naming their  Thank you for your prayers on my behalf. A one

                          offspring Shemen.."                       centimeter cyst was found in the left kidney by
                                                                    CT and Ultrasound scans. Since I am feeling
                          I have met a person with such a name, and was  much better, feeling the pain in my left side less
                                                                    often, I have declined a retrograde pylography
                          troubled deeply by this individuals very presence,
                I         the instance we met, although at the time, I could  (an internal camera scope of the urethra up to the
                                                                    kidney), since it too requires anesthesia and may
                          not put my finger on the "why" of it.
                                                                    cause bladder and kidney infections. A cyst can-
                          Your comments would be greatly appreciated.  not be removed in this procedure, but would re-
                                                                    quire a surgical operation to drain. And it is not
                                                                    certain whether the cyst is the cause of the pain.
                L         Thanks,                                   Your article in your last magazine about Gentiles

                                                                    again made me take another look in the New Tes-
                          COMMENT: A person cannot help what they   tament as did your article about the God they
                          have been named by their parents. However, if  were worshipping.
                          someone understands the meaning of the name
                          they have been given, and revels in it, then their
                          might be reason for uneasiness and concern in  I  have also been studying Mr. Wade Cox's arti-
                          this particular case.                     cles at about the Elohim being an
                                                                    extended order. It is clear our prayer and worship
                                                                    should be directed to the Most High, the Father.
                          Dear Mr. John Keyser:
                B         Please would you be so kind as to send me back  Mr. Cox also has articles about the role of the
                                                                    Angel of Yahovah as also being the Elohim of Is-
                          dated issues No. 1, No. 5 as well as the new cal-  rael. He also has articles about the New Moon.
                          endar for year 2001. Would you also send me
                          bank details so that we can deposit our offerings  Does the first day of the new week start with the
                                                                    day of the first crescent? Would this day then be
                A         and donations for the books.              called New Moon day and should it be kept as a
                                                                    sabbath? Or is the period before the first cres-
                          Thanking you,
                          Yours faithfully,                         cent (which is the conjunction) the New Moon
                          M.C.                                      day observance? Which day would be the first
                                                                    day of the week to begin our count to the first
                                                                    sabbath? Or is the new moon renewal period of
                G         COMMENT: The back issues have been mailed  darkness all counted as the seventh day sabbath?
                          to you. Regarding tithes and offerings, you can
                          deposit them to the following account:
                          Bank One                                  At this period before the Passover, it looks like
                          Bank by Mail (OH1-1045)                   our nations of Israel are suffering some of the
                          P.O. Box 182796                           same kind of plagues: hoof and mouth disease in
                          Columbus, OH 43218                        the cattle and sheep; and shutting off of
                          U.S.A.                                    electricity in California causing a kind of

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