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In a couple of years I will be able to retire and in New 25:21) and this was YEHOVAH's throne (verse 22), it
Zealand be on a pension. would be illogical to think that YEHOVAH resided in
the Temple during the time of Yeshua without the Ark
Now I am working as an independent contractor to and its attached mercy seat. When YEHOVAH's Sheki-
Kiwi Dairies and it allows me the freedom to keep the nah Glory vacated the Temple just before the Roman
sabbath as you have explained if I want to. It's amazing armies surrounded Jerusalem, and eventually went back
how easy anything can be if you decide to do it instead to Heaven after hovering over the Mount of Olives for
of finding all sorts of excuses. a while, it is conceivable (as you say) that YEHOVAH
took the Ark with Him as it was no longer needed after
Thank you for the hard work and writing you are doing Yeshua became our High Priest and access to the
to make it easy for us to make decisions and get closer Father.
to God.
When YEHOVAH's Shekinah Glory returns to this
earth (Revelation 19:11) and resides in the new Tem-
Regards, ple built by Yeshua after his return in Revelation
14:14, it is quite possible that the real Ark and mercy
seat will return with Him.
The Ark purported to be in Ethiopia and /or any others
I was reading your article (I think by Grant Jefferies) than may be hidden under the Temple Mount or in Mt.
and have a couple of questions. It was said that either a Pisgah are all more than likely replicas that have no
replica, or the real ark may have been spirited back to significance to YEHOVAH, and are an attempt to keep
Israel some years ago. Why would the Bible point out alive the pre-Yeshua Old Testament religion that has
that the Holy of Holies' curtain was cut by a Heavenly come down to us in the corrupted form of Judaism.
sword (showing God was no longer there, and that Je-
sus had come, and is the way to get to God), later in
Revelation shown to be in Heaven. Gentlemen/Ladies:
Shalom in the name of Yahweh the Righteous! May
I am inclined to feel there well may be a replica of the
Ark, that would pass carbon 14 tests, etc. (since it's Yahshua forgive all the sins of the faithful!
also very old). That would be touted as proof God is
still with the old religion, but would, in my opinion, I have recently become introduced to the Messianic
strike at the very heart of Christian faith (because the faith, and I have also read a few articles in your maga-
Ark was taken the moment the Messiah, the Lamb, was zine. In the back cover, additional articles can be ob-
killed). tained. A nominal donation is suggested, and I wanted
to tithe to your ministry anyway, so please expect an
institutional check (I am currently in prison) in the
I guess my question is, why doubt the tremendous,
wonderful, amazing reality of the Ark being taken mail very soon (in the amount of $...). The articles that
safely to Heaven, as indicated, just because of the I would like you to send me are:
cover up, and centuries old false claims that the Ark
really wasn't there, and that therefore, there was no sig- 1) "Have We Been Observing the Sabbath At the
nificance, to the Holy Ark (representing God Himself, Wrong Time All These Years?"
and access to Him) being taken by the Father, when
they killed His son? 2) "The New Moon and the Weekly Sabbath --
N. 3) "God's Sacred Calendar"
4) "A Unique Lunar-Based Calendar"
COMMENT: You may have a point here. There is
overwhelming evidence that YEHOVAH God's Sheki- 5) "Mysteries of Babylon and Pagan Sabbaths"
nah Glory was residing in the Temple in Jerusalem dur-
ing the time of Yeshua. Since the Bible states that the
Ark had YEHOVAH's mercy seat on top of it (Exodus I also request that you put me on your mailing list for