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darkness. 27. But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence
ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
Our Father continue to set apart His firstfruits by the 28. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when
truth for His purpose and keep those who belong to ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the
Him through His son, at this time when we acknowl- prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves
edge and reaffirm our acceptance of His son's offering thrust out.
for us and to the end of this age.
Sincerely, J.D.B.
I began reading your story about whether Peter had
COMMENT: We are glad to hear there has been been in Rome and had been the first Pope of the Chris-
some improvement in your health. Regarding the tian Church. In it was a statement that Peter is seen as
weekly Sabbath, our article God's Sacred Calendar the founder of the Church. This is inaccurate. Peter
covers this in some detail. Basically, the New Moon was the Prince of the Apostles, this is true, but it was
day is determined by the crescent, with the following Jesus Christ himself that founded the Church. He did
day being "day 1" of the new seven day week. There can so on the kepha of Kephas, rendered Petros in Greek
be two New Moon days -- depending on the length of and Peter in English. This has always been the true po-
the month. The New Moon day(s) should be kept as a sition of the Catholic Church.
sabbath, and since the New Moon day(s) are always di-
rectly preceded by the weekly Sabbath we can have up I thought you would like to know so that you can cor-
to three days in a row that are treated as one "long" rect your site.
Sabbath day! The article, as well as our articles Have
We Been Observing the Sabbath At the Wrong Time Sincerely in Christ,
All These Years and The New Moon and the Weekly E.L.
Sabbath -- Side-By-Side explain this fully.
COMMENT: Due to an inaccurate understanding of
Brother John, Matthew 16:18, the Catholic Church has always in-
sisted that it was founded upon the apostle Peter who
Just got through reading the March-April Berean became the first "Pope" of a long series of popes --
Voice and wanted to let you know how thankful I am. down to our day (the Holy See). The fact is, when his-
Although I may not agree with every point, the articles tory and tradition is consulted, the first Pope of the
which you are providing greatly surpass the vain bab- Catholic Church was none other than Simon the Magi-
blings of the seminaries, showing them for the false cian found mentioned in Acts 8:9. As for Yeshua
prophets that they are. There is no other publication I founding the Catholic Church -- this is sheer nonsense.
know of which slices through their fog in such a thor- The Catholic Church is an apostate, pagan, corrupted
ough, provocative manner, and from so many angles. I church that the apostle John calls "the great harlot" in
could go on and on, but I'll end by saying that it now Revelation 17:1, and "Babylon the Great" in revelation
appears that the scales may be lifting from off of True 18:2
Israel's eyes. We can come out of our deceptions and
begin to perceive our role in the real Kingdom, not Hi John:
ending up as those found in Luke 13:
I am finding your writings very interesting and infor-
25. When once the master of the house is risen up, and mative. In accepting that you are right about the calen-
hath shut the door, and ye begin to stand without, and dar and the sabbath, this will make it impossible for
to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; any of us to keep a job in this world unless we are self-
and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not employed. Even then with contracts etc. it will be dif-
whence ye are: ficult to keep work.
26. Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and
drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our Well, God never said it would be easy to keep His
streets. commandments and do His will. We are to step out in
faith and even now I am finding that kind of faith hard.