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"The Berean Voice" magazine. C.N.
I am certain that the reading materials you send me will COMMENT: I assume that you are referring here to
provide me with excellent guidance. I will tithe again the Hope of Israel Bible Correspondence Course.
to your ministry at my earliest opportunity. The course is up for review to incorporate all the new
truth that has been revealed during the last year or so.
May Almighty Yahweh bless and prosper the work of Please be patient since there are not enough hours in
your hands. Shalom! the day to do all the things I would like.
Sincerely, Dear Mr. Keyser,
In the Nov.-Dec. 2000 issue of The Berean Voice
Dear Mr. J. Keyser: magazine you stated that God's name is "Yehovah" in-
stead of Yahweh. I read in a history book of Israel that
I am thankful very much to God and to you since I read Yahweh was the only accepted name accepted by the
your magazine issued Nov. and December -- The Be- Hebrews as the Heavenly Father's name, and that Yeho-
rean Voice -- especially the article Should There Be vah or Yehowah was a hybrid word, a name made by
"Government" In the Church of God? You explained merging the consonants of Yahweh (YHWH) and the
the real plain truth of the truth -- you knocked me vowels of the Hebrew name for Lord (Adonai). Yeho-
down on my knees. Please forward to us, for a whole vah or Jehovah is a name that doesn't appear in any
year, the magazine -- The Berean Voice. I am a poor language.
man only and we are now experiencing economic cri-
sis here in the Philippines -- but this is not important. Also, I am interested in obtaining the address of the
But what is important is your article -- the real bread -- Assemblies of Yahweh in Bethel, PA so I can write to
the only hope of today's confusion. Please send. Good- it and receive information on its church. Will you
bye and our Almighty Father and Jesus Christ bless you please send any information to the above address.
so much.
I really enjoyed the articles in last December's issue
Respectfully yours, about Simon the Zealot and the catacomb identified as
the burial site of the Barsabbas family members. I ap-
preciate historical and archaeological information that
Dear Israel, verifies the facts of the Christian faith.
I thank you so very much for your [bi]monthly maga- Sincerely yours,
zine. I have a lot of Bible studies come my way, but I T.D.
enjoy The Berean Voice magazine the most, I find my-
self reading and studying them over and over, it just COMMENT: Regardless of what you read in other
don't end. I truly thank God for handing me a great gift publications, it is simply NOT TRUE that YEHOVAH
to help me to understand God's word and Israel.
is a corrupt and mistaken form of the Massoretic
vowel pointing taken from "adonai." Nor is it an "evil
I love to study the end times and prophecy. I only wish name," as some have ignorantly charged, based on the
that there was more that I could receive to understand Hebrew term hovah, which means "ruin" or "disaster."
the Greek and Hebrew prophets which deal with the This Hebrew word hovah is from hayah -- which can
end of the age. I don't have a concordance to help me also mean to "happen." It has no grammatical connec-
and I have been hoping that your study Bible would get tion to the Divine Name.
to me. I have been looking forward to your Bible to
start my study with your help. Well, I better let you go.
The combination YE-HO-AH makes much better gram-
matical sense. In Hebrew "YE" represents the future or
Please remember me in your prayers as I study God's imperfect of the verb "to be," "HO" represents the pre-
word. sent, while "AH" represents the past. In other words,
this form of God's Name would have specific meaning
Yours in Christ,
and not be merely a repetition of vowel sounds. Quite