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Lesson 10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13
instituting it to be part of FUTURE Passover and activities” (ibid., p. 29).
Kiddush meals. It does, however, have a Here was the Old Testament FOOT-
PARALLEL with the Levitical washings WASHING. It was a BAPTISM reserved for the
mentioned in the Old Testament. priests during their service at the Tabernacle,
2. Read Exodus 30:17-21. Notice and later at the Temple. This fact immediately
particularly verse 21 -- what does it say? establishes the believer’s (Christian’s) PRIEST-
COMMENT: According to Exodus LY STATUS in the New Covenant or
30:17-21, the priests were required to wash their Testament.
HANDS and FEET BEFORE entering the Holy 5. Notice Revelation 1:6 -- what does it
Place of the Tabernacle to offer sacrifices upon say true Christians are?
the altar. COMMENT: Yeshua,
3. Now read Exodus the new Moses who has
40:30-32. fulfilled all scripture, has
COMMENT: These ordained a NEW PRIEST-
verses describe the CAR- HOOD to replace the old
RYING OUT of YEHO- Aaronic priesthood. With
VAH’s instructions given in Aaron, we find an INITIAL
Exodus 30. BAPTISM, covering the
4. In a similar fashion ENTIRE BODY (Exodus
-- although more elaborate -- 40:11-12). Later, he washes
provisions for this washing his hands and his FEET
were made in Solomon’s alone in order to minister
Temple. I Kings 7:38 and II (Exodus 40:32).
Chronicles 4:6. 6. Compare this with the
COMMENT: Jose- Messiah’s reply to Peter
phus, in his Antiquities of when he pled for his head,
the Jews, mentions that a sea his hands, and his feet to be
(laver) was available for the washed. John 13:10. The
priests to wash their hands Jewish New Testament
and feet: “And having filled renders this a little clearer:
the sea [laver] with water, he set it apart for the “A man who has had a bath [baptism] doesn’t
priests to wash their hand and feet when they need to wash, EXCEPT HIS FEET -- his body is
entered the temple and were about to go up to the already clean.”
altar...” (8.87). COMMENT: One of the noticeable
Writes John Christopher Thomas -- differences between the washings of Old
“This action takes place AT THE ENTRANCE Testament priests and New Testament priests is
OF THE SANCTUARY to prepare the priests that WE NO LONGER WASH OUR HANDS
for entry. Such washing consecrates them for (hand baptism). New Testament foot-washing
their sacred tasks” (Footwashing in John 13 has REPLACED the Old Testament hand-
and the Johannine Community, p. 28). washing that occured at the beginning of the
Adds Thomas, “the hands and FEET Passover service (seder) and the weekly
were washed regularly due to their constant Kiddush. Why? Because Old Testament men
exposure and possible contamination. Con- had unclean hands; they were unrighteous men
sequently, washings of the hands and FEET are whose sins were laid up until the RELEASE on
REPEATED ACTS OF PURIFICATION to the Day of Atonement -- ONCE a year! The
prepare the priest for a variety of sacred Messiah’s atonement, however, was ONCE
The Passover -- Yeshua’s Sacrifice Begins YEHOVAH’s Master Plan