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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 10
in I Peter 2:23-25. means, in the Greek, “I have already come,” or “I
COMMENT: The Aphikomen is taken have come.” Thus the very ceremony of the
out of the napkin during the service and Aphikomen proves that the Messiah has
BROKEN in half. One half is broken in pieces ALREADY COME, and done his work of
and passed around the table so each person can deliverance and sacrifice and redemption! It
take a piece. The other half is wrapped represents his FIRST appearance as the lamb of
separately and HIDDEN, later to be searched for YEHOVAH God. John 1:29.
by the CHILDREN and to be REDEEMED by 8. Notice Exodus 12:34, 39.
the ELDER of the home. COMMENT: At this point in the
Passover service matzohs are distributed to
everyone at the table. Matzoh, or unleavened
bread, is the ONLY type to be eaten for the next
SEVEN DAYS. This is in MEMORY of the first
Passover when the Israelites left Egypt and ate
only unleavened bread.
When we eat of the matzoh in the New
Testament Passover we remember the price
Yeshua the Messiah paid for our salvation,
healing and redemption. He gave his body to be
beaten, whipped and stoned.
9. He was struck so ferociously, cruelly
and heavily that Isaiah foretold of him that he
LIKENESS -- see Isaiah 52:13-15.
A Passover Seder in Progress
The Symbol of the Wine
So every time the Jews break the
MIDDLE matzoh, the Aphikomen, they are
1. Was the wine to SYMBOLICALLY
unknowingly testifying of the sufferings of
represent the Messiah’s BLOOD which was to
Yeshua the Messiah, the promised Messiah who
be shed for the forgiveness of past sins?
laid down his life to pay for our sins and
Matthew 26:28-29.
COMMENT: During the Old Testa-
7. Notice I Corinthians 15:3-4.
ment Passover FOUR specific cups of wine were
COMMENT: The broken matzoh is a
drunk by those observing this rite. The FIRST
SYMBOL of the Messiah’s cruel and painful
cup of wine began the service, or seder, and a
death at the hands of wicked men, just as the
blessing was asked over it. It symbolized the
Messiah’s body was broken and killed. The half
BLOOD of the Passover lamb PRIOR to the
of the Aphikomen that is laid away symbolizes
Exodus of Israel from out of Egypt.
the Messiah’s body that was LAID in Joseph of
In the New Testament Passover it
Arimathea’s tomb to RISE again the third day.
represents the BLOOD of the Messiah, poured
Towards the end of the Passover service, or
out for our sins, RECONCILING us to
seder, the children search for the missing half of
the Aphikomen, and bring it BACK to the table --
The SECOND cup of wine in the Old
symbolizing the RESURRECTED Messiah
Testament service, known as “the cup of
returning to life once again!
plagues,” traditionally symbolized the Ten
The very word “Aphikomen” literally
Plagues that YEHOVAH God poured out upon
The Passover -- Yeshua’s Sacrifice Begins YEHOVAH’s Master Plan