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Lesson 10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17
the Egyptians to break their pride and to free His after 70 A.D., and the descendants of the
people Israel. It was traditional, during the northern Ten Tribes of Israel which were
service, to recite the plagues, one by one, from scattered in captivity in 721B.C., and most of
the blood in the Nile River to the death of all the whom NEVER returned. This is called “The Cup
Egyptian firstborn (Exodus 7:14-12:31) As of Praise.”
each of these plagues was narrated, it was “In this manner,” states Alfred
customary to pour out a little wine from the cup Edersheim, “was the Paschal Supper celebrated
or glass. by the Jews...” (The Temple, p. 243-244).
2. Read Romans 6:1-13. Clearly, this is ALSO the manner in
COMMENT: In the blessing of the which Christians should observe the Passover
second cup of wine during the New Testament TODAY!
Passover, we PRAISE YEHOVAH God for Those of us following the Messiah today
bringing us forth out of SPIRITUAL Egypt, understand that this fourth cup -- the “Cup of
even as He brought our ANCESTORS out of Praise” -- is ALSO the “Cup of Regathering”
physical Egypt 3,500 years ago. We praise Him and restoring of Israel. At his second appearance
for delivering us from slavery to to freedom -- Yeshua the Messiah will REGATHER ALL HIS
from being the servants of SIN to becoming the FATHER’S PEOPLE and restore them to their
SERVANTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. Just as proper inheritance.
YEHOVAH God redeemed Israel from Egypt by 5. Notice Isaiah 27:12-13.
pouring out ten plagues on the heads of the COMMENT: This final “Cup of Praise”
Egyptians, and destroying their power over His is also the “Cup of Salvation” for the diligent
people, so YEHOVAH rescues US from the Christian, looking FORWARD to our final
POWER OF SATAN and his evil world by salvation when YEHOVAH God the Father and
Divine power and miracles -- and through the Yeshua the Messiah return to this earth in great
power of His HOLY SPIRIT which He freely glory.
gives to us.
3. Go now to I Corinthians 10:16. What Following the Messiah’s Example
is this “cup of blessing”?
COMMENT: After the Passover meal 1. Did Yeshua SHOW BY EXAMPLE
was eaten and ENJOYED, a THIRD cup of wine that Christians throughout ALL AGES should
was drunk. Explains Alfred Edersheim: keep the Passover? John 2:13 and John 2:23.
“Immediately after the third cup was drunk, a COMMENT: What the Messiah is
special blessing having been spoken over it....It saying in Luke 22:15-16 is that he greatly
is called in Jewish writings, just as by St. Paul, desired to eat the Passover with his disciples but
‘the cup of blessing,’ partly because it and the would NOT be able to because he would be slain
first cup required a special ‘blessing,’ and partly as YEHOVAH’s Passover Lamb on the
because it followed on the ‘grace after meat’” afternoon of Nisan 14 at the same time the
(The Temple, p. 244-245). Passover lambs were killed in the Temple.
4. Read Matthew 24:30-31. Therefore, he said, “I will NO LONGER eat of it
COMMENT: At the end of the Passover until it is fulilled in the Kingdom of God.”
meal, the FOURTH and final cup of wine was 2. Is the yearly partaking of the
drunk, symbolizing the REGATHERING and unleavened bread and wine on the Passover Day
RESTORATION of the people of Israel to a MEMORIAL of the Messiah’s sacrifice for us?
YEHOVAH God -- both the Judahites, who I Corinthians 5:6-8.
went into captivity in 604 B.C., and later COMMENT: Yeshua the Messiah,
returned to Palestine, only to be dispersed again during his life, set us the EXAMPLE that we
The Passover -- Yeshua’s Sacrifice Begins YEHOVAH’s Master Plan