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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 10

Those of us who follow the Messiah as TUTE, at his last meal with his disciples, a
he follows YEHOVAH God are truly CLEAN, special observance which he then COM-
truly righteous. Our hands are clean to exercise MANDED his disciples to KEEP and to
dominion upon this earth -- as our future reward TEACH!
will be. In CONTRAST, however, OUR FEET 9. Did Peter at first refuse to allow
ARE DIRTY because the earth AWAITS Yeshua to wash his feet? John 13:6-8. Could
REDEMPTION. And that redemption CAN- Peter have any part with Yeshua UNLESS he
NOT take place until the sons of YEHOVAH allowed the Messiah to wash his feet? Verse 8.
God are manifested. COMMENT: Peter argued with the
7. Notice what the apostle Paul says in Messiah -- saying he wasn’t going to have the
Romans 8:18-22. Messiah wash his feet. Men today argue the
COMMENT: The dust (the earth) is the same thing. Yeshua explained that unless Peter
place of Satan’s dominion. The Christian ENTERED INTO THE FOOTWASHING
crushes the Serpent’s (Satan’s) head -- but the CEREMONY, he had NO PART with the
Serpent bites his heel. The dirt (the earth) is Messiah! NEITHER CAN WE!
result, sin affects the feet ONLY. Genesis Humility a Part of It
3:14-15. From this typology we can see that
while baptism cleanses the believer and makes 1. Did Yeshua explain WHY he
him FIT to enter the sanctuary, FOOT- instituted this new observance of footwashing
WASHING MAKES HIM FIT FOR THE during his last meal with his disciples? John
MINISTRY. 13:12-14, 16.
8. Read what the apostle Peter has to say COMMENT: Yeshua said that those
in I Peter 3:21. who acknowledge him as “Master and Lord”
COMMENT: Notice “the answer ought to wash one another’s feet!
[pledge] of a good conscience toward God.” Footwashing in Yeshua’s time was a
Therefore, while FULL BODY immersion menial task which only SERVANTS performed
(baptism) need ONLY OCCUR ONCE as an when visitors entered a house, since open-toed
initiatory rite into the faith or body of the sandals were the customary footwear of that time
Messiah (church), FOOT BAPTISM IS A RITE and the feet would become very dusty.
THAT MUST BE PRACTICED REPEATED- So Yeshua was illustrating to his
LY! disciples that he was appointed to SERVE
Another thought: IF Yeshua wanted to mankind! And shortly afterward, he proved the
“nail to his cross” ALL laws, Holy Days, and EXTENT of his extreme service for this world
everything that YEHOVAH God ever gave, when he gave his very LIFE for the sins of all
including footwashing, then WHY did he go to mankind! He suffered the MOST HUMILI-
such great length and pains to show his disciples ATING and EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL
HOW to observe the New Testament Kiddush DEATH imaginable for you and me.
service from then on? The Messiah symbolically showed just
Surely Yeshua ought to have been busily HOW FAR he was willing to go in his service to
explaining to them that immediately after his mankind in order TO SAVE US ALL FROM
crucifixion, there would be NO FURTHER ETERNAL DEATH!
OBLIGATION for them to keep the Passover, Yeshua explained that if he, being the
had he intended to nail YEHOVAH’s Holy Days Master, would serve mankind, then his disciples
to the tree! Instead, Yeshua was taking this ought to SIMILARLY SERVE EACH OTHER

The Passover -- Yeshua’s Sacrifice Begins YEHOVAH’s Master Plan
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