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P. 19
Lesson 10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 19
Messiah, who became our Passover? Acts 8:32, until he fell under the weight of it -- and then was
34-35. hauled up roughly and had to feel huge spikes
5. Did Isaiah prophesy the Messiah being pounded mercilessly into the flesh,
would die by POURING OUT his “soul” -- his pinning his wrists and feet to the wood. He had to
life-blood? Isaiah 53:12. Does the “soul” or life feel his own body weight ripping and tearing at
of all living flesh reside in the BLOOD? the flesh where the nails had been driven
Leviticus 17:11. through, without any relief in sight.
COMMENT: Any student
of the Bible ought to know that it
was the Messiah’s SHED blood
that caused his death, not the
“sentimental idea" of humans that
Yeshua died of a “broken heart”!
Yeshua became “our Pass-
over” by giving his life by
for the sins of all mankind! He was
brutally STONED by passers-by as
he hung on the tree, until his face
was a bloody mess -- barely
recognizable. He died for the sins
of the whole world. (Write for the
article explaining how Yeshua
died: Why Did the Messiah Die
Before the Two Robbers? See Pilate delivering the Messiah into the hands of the riotous mob
inside cover for address). to be crucufied.
Then, on top of all this agony, he had to
Why the Messiah’s Body Was Beaten
endure the only type of punishment that could
possibly produce the aweful description of the
1. Previous to his crucifixion on the tree,
Messiah’s suffering.
and death by shedding his blood due to the
Writes Ernest L. Martin: “There is no
stoning, was Yeshua also SCOURGED by
doubt that Christ experienced the torment of
Pilate? Matthew 27:26. Was he so BRUTALLY
volleys of small, sharp stones thrown at the front
parts of his naked body while he was nailed to
Isaiah 52:14. Also read the entirety of Psalm 22
the tree of crucifixion. The stones were hurled at
which prophetically and VIVIDLY described
his face, at his mid-section and his legs! These
the horrible suffering Yeshua was to experience.
must have been like sharp flintstones (many of
COMMENT: The scourging that the
which are on the Mount of Olives) that would
Messiah endured BEFORE his crucifixion
break the skin and dislodge the flesh but without
CANNOT account for such mangling since
the force to break his bones. Such volleys of
Pilate fully intended to let him go after the
stones hitting his body periodically for almost a
soldiers had chastised him -- and from this it
six hour period could produce the description of
shows that Pilate believed he would recover
Isaiah [52]...” (Secrets of Golgotha: The
from his beating (Luke 23:22).
Forgotten History of Christ’s Crucifixion, p.
Yeshua was then led like a DIRTY
CRIMINAL, made to carry his own crosspiece,
The Passover -- Yeshua’s Sacrifice Begins YEHOVAH’s Master Plan