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18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 10
should keep the Passover on Nisan 15 -- AFTER about 40 days following the harvest, or else the
his death. At his last meal with his disciples he grape juice was made into a heavy syrup.
changed the emblems of the KIDDUSH -- NOT This was NOT syrup!
the Passover Seder! The only thing that changed Any knowledge of the practices of the
during the Passover meal after the death of the Judahite community during the days of the
Messiah in 31 A.D. was that a lamb was NO Messiah will reveal that FERMENTED WINE
LONGER sacrificed and its roasted body was no was used EXCLUSIVELY at the Passover
longer eaten. All the Old Testament symbology (Hasting’s Dictionary, article, “Wine”).
pointing to the Messiah was fulfilled at his death.
Today we use unleavened BREAD and WINE How the Messiah Became “Our Passover”
alone -- along with, of course, the various
symbols of the Bondage and Exodus, such as 1. Was the apostle Paul inspired to write
bitter herbs, etc. that the Messiah is our “Passover” -- our Saviour
Yeshua did NOT ABOLISH the -- today? I Corinthians 5:7.
Passover -- he merely FULFILLED the killing COMMENT: Unless the original
of the sacrificial lamb! All the apostles of the Passover lamb given to Old Testament Israel had
Messiah and true Christians of the first century been sacrificed or SLAIN, had its own blood
True Ecclesia observed it on the fifteenth day of shed, the Israelites’ firstborn would have been
the first month of the Sacred Calendar. It is a killed in Egypt and they could not have been
MEMORIAL of the Messiah’s death, re- delivered out of this land which was TYPICAL
affirming year by year on its anniversary “till he OF SIN.
come,” the true Christian’s FAITH in the blood SO UNLESS the Messiah WAS
of “Christ our Passover” for the remission of sacrificed -- actually SHED HIS OWN BLOOD
sins. Eating the broken unleavened bread -- we WOULD NOT HAVE A SAVIOUR
symbolizes our faith in the body of the Messiah today!
broken for physical healing. 2. Did Israel kill the Passover lamb by
The Messiah commanded, “let us KEEP SHEDDING ITS blood? Exodus 12:6-7.
THE FEAST, not with old leaven, nor with the COMMENT: As the Messiah is our
leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the Passover -- and as the lamb was a TYPE of the
UNLEAVENED BREAD of sincerity and truth” Messiah, and had its own blood shed -- so the
The world is not WILLING to DO what BLOOD to pay for our sins.
the Messiah said! 3. Exactly why was it NECESSARY for
Are you? the Messiah to shed his blood for the forgiveness
COMMENT: A clarification is needed of our sins? Hebrews 9:22.
here regarding the WINE used during the COMMENT: YEHOVAH God reveals
Passover service or seder. There are some who in His perfect plan, that only by the SHEDDING
believe that GRAPE JUICE should be used OF BLOOD is there remission of sins. And
instead of wine! How can we know that “the fruit unless Yeshua did shed his blood, he could never
of the VINE” Yeshua used was wine and NOT have become our Passover.
grape juice? 4. Did YEHOVAH God foretell that the
We can know that the “fruit of the vine” Messiah would die as a LAMB led to the
which the Messiah gave his disciples was truly slaughter, and therefore shedding its blood?
FERMENTED WINE, not unfermented grape Isaiah 53:7-8. Does the recorded conversation
juice! Grape juice could NOT at that time be between Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch plainly
preserved until spring. It either became wine, show us Isaiah was referring to Yeshua the
The Passover -- Yeshua’s Sacrifice Begins YEHOVAH’s Master Plan