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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 33
did, and ASK Him to change our human nature!
That is the PURPOSE for prayer in helping us to
develop YEHOVAH’s spiritual character so we
can attain the goal for which we have been born!
Unless YEHOVAH is now in the PRO-
CESS of creating clean hearts and minds in us by
the power of His spirit, we will never inherit
eternal life. YEHOVAH God will not give
eternal life to anyone who has NOT surrendered
to Him and whose heart is NOT being guided by
the love of His holy spirit!
Clearly we must have a NEW HEART
gradually created within us. A mind inspired by
YEHOVAH’s spirit and totally submissive to
His laws. We must receive from YEHOVAH a
heart which is the DIAMETRIC OPPOSITE OF
OUR HUMAN NATURE. We desperately need
5. Did David realize that YEHOVAH
will look to the man whose earnest desire is to
have a clean heart created in Him? Did he
understand that YEHOVAH will hear the prayer
Ancient olive tree at the traditional site of the of a man whose attitude is humble and sub-
Garden of Gethsemane. It was in Gethsemane missive and is REPENTING DAILY of the sins
that the Messiah prayed fervently for the strength he still commits as a result of being motivated by
to endure his ordeal. his carnal, evil heart? Psalm 51:16-17.
6. Has YEHOVAH God promised to
3. Does YEHOVAH God make it clear look to the man whose spirit -- the altitude of his
that He is primarily concerned with what is mind -- is humble, repentant, and stands in awe
going on in our hearts -- the thoughts and intents of His Word? Isaiah 66:2.
of our MINDS? Isaiah 66:2. And isn’t it clear 7. Has YEHOVAH promised to be near
that man’s NATURAL heart, or mind, is far such people when they pray for His help? Psalm
from right in YEHOVAH’s sight -- that man’s 34:18.
NATURAL attitude is far from acceptable to 8. And has YEHOVAH promised to
Him? Isaiah 64:6-7. forgive our sins and WRITE HIS laws in our
4. Then shouldn’t we pray as David did -- hearts, if we will turn to Him? Jeremiah 31:
asking YEHOVAH to CREATE IN US A 33-34.
CLEAN HEART? Psalm 51:10. Do we need to 9. Will YEHOVAH do this by the power
have YEHOVAH put within us a RIGHT ATTI- of His spirit? Hebrews 10:15-17 and II Corin-
TUDE -- one motivated by service to others, and thians 3:3.
not by selfishness? Same verse and verse 13. 10. What, then, should we DO, realizing
COMMENT: David clearly saw that his all of the foregoing? Hebrews 10:22-25. Should
own heart was evil. He realized that he needed to we be confident that our sins are forgiven (if we
have YEHOVAH God Almighty create a have truly repented), and that we can now draw
CLEAN HEART within him. near to YEHOVAH God? Verses 22-23. And
YEHOVAH wants us to pray as David should we seek FELLOWSHIP with others who
The Power of Prayer!