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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 33
so He can forgive them? Same verse. we come before YEHOVAH’s heavenly throne
4. Is YEHOVAH God alone able to for- and expect to receive mercy and grace --
give sins? Luke 5:21 and Daniel 9:9. unmerited pardon -- and the POWER to help us
5. Did John write his admonition so that in our times of need? Are we to approach YE-
Christians might AVOID committing sin? I HOVAH’s throne with BOLDNESS? Same
John 2:1. But when we stumble through weak- verse.
ness or temptation and commit some sin, will the COMMENT: Notice that YEHOVAH
Messiah’s sacrifice be applied to us if we repent does not say “if” you pray. He commands that
and ask for YEHOVAH’s forgiveness? Same Christians come BOLDLY before His throne in
verse. Didn’t the Messiah’s one sacrifice pay for prayer. It is essential that we pray constantly --
the sins of the entire world? Verse 2. And there- day by day -- if we are to receive YEHOVAH’s
fore do all who repent and ask forgiveness have mercy and power so we can ultimately inherit
the Messiah as THEIR ADVOCATE -- someone His Kingdom.
to speak for them -- at the Father’s throne? Verse Prayer is absolutely necessary in our
1. preparation for YEHOVAH’s Kingdom. We
desperately need YEHOVAH’s supernatural,
The Messiah’s Office as High Priest DIVINE HELP to keep us from wandering from
His ways of love. And we need His merciful
1. Has YEHOVAH God given the Mes- forgiveness when we fail!
siah a responsibility -- an office of AUTHOR- 6. Does Matthew 6:6 indicate that
ITY -- which makes it possible for him to inter- YEHOVAH God EXPECTS Christians to pray?
cede for us as our Advocate in heaven? Hebrews COMMENT: Notice that Yeshua did
5:7-10. Did the Messiah have to LEARN to obey not say if, but “when” you pray. Yeshua expects
through suffering like the rest of us? Verses 8-9. his true followers to be PRAYING Christians!
And did this therefore qualify him to act as our We must pray constantly from the heart if we
High Priest? Verse 10. want to be born into YEHOVAH’s Kingdom!
2. Did the Messiah have to pray to YE- 7. Does the Messiah sit at the right hand
HOVAH God FERVENTLY for the SPIRITU- of YEHOVAH God the Father on His throne?
AL STRENGTH to keep from sinning under Hebrews 10:12. Does he make loving inter-
temptation, and thus be kept from incurring the cession for us constantly to YEHOVAH God?
death penalty? Hebrews 5:7. Was the Messiah Romans 8:34-39.
thus able to overcome the very sins we have to 8. Does Romans 3:23-24 point out that
fight daily? Hebrews 4:15. we would never make it into YEHOVAH’s
3. Because of the suffering he experi- Kingdom if it were not for the Messiah, our
enced, is the Messiah QUALIFIED to help us loving elder brother?
when we have need because of temptation or COMMENT: We indeed do have a
weakness? Hebrews 4:14-15. golden eternity ahead of us in YEHOVAH’s joy-
4. Can our very worst sins be forgiven by ous Family, if we will only avail ourselves of
YEHOVAH God? Isaiah 1:18. And forgotten? YEHOVAH’s tremendous POWER and FOR-
Isaiah 43:25. GIVENESS through prayer. Otherwise, we will
COMMENT: Yes, man’s very WORST fail!
sins -- as “scarlet” -- may be completely forgiven 9. Wasn’t it at great personal SUFFER-
and FORGOTTEN by YEHOVAH God for all ING that this wonderful opportunity to be a part
eternity -- “be as white as snow.” of YEHOVAH’s own Family has been made
5. Then what is YEHOVAH’s COM- available to us? Hebrews 2:9-10, 17.
MAND to every Christian? Hebrews 4:16. Can COMMENT: The Messiah, our High
The Power of Prayer!