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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 33
how much more shall your heavenly Father give VAH GOD? Where were YOU, when YEHO-
His Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?" (Luke VAH created this earth? Can YOU sustain, con-
11:13.) trol, and rule the UNIVERSE? Or are YOU
Here is the supposed “GOOD” mother about as small, compared to YEHOVAH, as a
giving “good” things to her child or baby. HERE strutting peacock? Why, you don’t even have his
IS MOTHER LOVE -- perhaps the “highest” beautiful plumage!
love we can recognize in a human. And the Mes- Have you ever been really BROKEN UP
siah says emphatically that she does it “BEING about what a rotten, foul, deceitful, vain, and evil
EVIL.” She, herself, is EVIL inherently. And if a creature you have been?
person is EVIL, can an evil tree bring forth It’s about time many of our students get
GOOD (SPIRITUAL) fruit? Yeshua the their eyes opened -- for THIS WORLD is near-
Messiah says IT CANNOT. ing its END with the speed of space flight!
What kind of fruit DOES a natural man, It is MUCH later than you think! May
without YEHOVAH’s spirit, produce? These YEHOVAH God help you to SEE!
fruits are listed. They are “...adultery, forni- This world has its TWO dimensions --
cation, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, the WITHIN, which is the LOCAL SELF, and
witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, the AROUND, which is the EMPIRICAL
strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, SELF! It’s time to EXPAND your horizon now
drunkenness, revellings, and such like" (Gala- to the THIRD dimension -- the ABOVE -- on up
tians 5:19-21). to YEHOVAH GOD, for every GOOD and per-
Do we, BEING EVIL, produce GOOD fect gift comes down from ABOVE -- from
fruit? Are the fruits of the flesh -- of human YEHOVAH GOD whose supreme purpose is to
nature -- love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, beget each of us with HIS SPIRIT -- HIS LOVE
GOODNESS? No, these are the fruits of YE- -- HIS GOODNESS -- HIS very LIFE, which is
HOVAH’S HOLY SPIRIT, which you cannot ETERNAL LIFE -- the only complete, full,
produce except YEHOVAH produce them in ABUNDANT life, full of goodness, happiness,
and through you BY His holy spirit. THESE are joy, and PEACE FOREVER!
the fruits of YEHOVAH GOD, and they can
why there is NO PEACE in the world!
I know many who have been baptized, PROFESSING Christians PROFESS to
and who THINK they have been converted, and pray. But few actually do! And fewer, it seems,
ARE PRETTY GOOD IN THEIR OWN EYES! really know WHY they should pray, and WHAT
And I hope YOU of that category can know that I TO EXPECT AS THE RESULT OF PRAYER!
DO mean YOU! Prayer is stressed in the Bible, but ne-
But you are not as good as JOB! glected by many because so few realize the VI-
Job was so “good” that even Satan could TAL PURPOSE for prayer.
not detect any sin -- any evil. Job possibly had
repented of what evil he had DONE, and turned EMPTY Prayer
from it -- for Satan could find no evil in what Job
DID! But YEHOVAH found evil in what Job Prayer today has degenerated into a ritual
was! He was self-righteous! He was pretty of words -- a form, a ceremony, a vain liturgy of
GOOD, humanly speaking -- and HE KNEW IT sanctimonious phraseology -- an utterly mean-
TOO WELL! He had spiritual VANITY -- like ingless OBLIGATION WITHOUT A PUR-
some of YOU! POSE!
Well, how do YOU compare to YEHO- YEHOVAH God simply DOESN’T
The Power of Prayer!