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Lesson 33 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9
HEAR empty prayers!
You have heard that powerful, believing
prayer can move mountains, heal incurable
diseases and raise the dead. Prayer was effective
for the Messiah and the apostles, but too many
Christians will admit their prayers aren’t doing
much today -- if anything!
You may know HOW to pray. But many
of those who know HOW to pray -- DON’T
PRAY! They don’t grasp the vital reason WHY
Catholic priest in ritualistic prayer that is abhor-
rent to YEHOVAH God.
WHY Pray?
help through His HOLY SPIRIT. But you must
What, then, IS prayer? And WHY PRAY TO RECEIVE IT!
SHOULD WE PRAY in the first place?
Prayer is a personal, intimate, under- Pray to Overcome Human Nature
standing communication with YEHOVAH God
Almighty. And prayer is intended to help you 1. Does YEHOVAH God warn that He
achieve your GOAL in life -- the very PUR- does not hear those who PRACTICE sin? John
POSE FOR WHICH YOU WERE BORN! 9:31 and Psalm 66:18. And have ALL sinned --
Without meaningful, active and EFFEC- transgressed YEHOVAH’s perfect spiritual law
TIVE prayer, you can never hope to be born into -- and therefore come short of His glory? Ro-
YEHOVAH’s Kingdom. Continuing prayer is a mans 3:23.
VITAL KEY to your salvation. And prayer, to 2. Does the apostle Paul show that no one
be effective, must be continual, fervent contact is righteous of HIMSELF? Romans 3:10. How-
with your Creator -- which you ATTAIN AND ever, does He hear the prayers of the RIGHT-
MAINTAIN DAILY if you expect to receive His EOUS? James 5:16, last part.
gift of eternal life. 3. Do we sin because the NATURE of
Knowing the goal of salvation, and re- the carnal mind we are born with REBELS
ceiving the faith of YEHOVAH God to achieve against YEHOVAH God and His spiritual laws?
it, will get you off to a good start. But a good start Romans 8:7-8. Is the human heart -- which the
is not a guarantee of a good finish! Bible refers to as figuratively representing the
In order to complete YEHOVAH’s Mas- basic motives and intentions of our carnal minds
ter Plan for your life, you MUST PRAY and -- wicked and deceitful ABOVE ALL THINGS?
CONSTANT CLOSE CONTACT with YEHO- 4. Does YEHOVAH God, who is Creator
VAH God Himself is absolutely essential to of all things, reveal that He has created EVIL as
your salvation. For without YEHOVAH’s well as good? Isaiah 45:7. Then wasn’t it YE-
instant help, you can’t overcome the downward HOVAH God who created our human hearts, or
pulls of your human nature which lead to SIN! minds, which are prone to evil? Psalm 33:15.
The glory of YEHOVAH’s Kingdom See also Matthew 15:18-19 and Mark 7:21-23.
can be attained only with YEHOVAH’s personal COMMENT: All of these sins -- mur-
The Power of Prayer!