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10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 33
ders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, covetous- He has all things, and wants to SHARE them
ness -- are the OUTWARD ACTS of evil with us, and says He will make a place for us in
thoughts conceived in the mind. They begin in His Kingdom. That ought to be our HOPE --
our desperately treacherous and deceitful hearts OUR GOAL IN LIFE!
(our minds) which are subject to PRIDE and YEHOVAH God has created man lowly
VANITY. That’s what YEHOVAH God says in -- weak and carnal -- subject to the downward
His Word. He ought to know. He created our pulls of human nature which lead to sin. But He
minds! does not want us to REMAIN lowly and sinful!
YEHOVAH has actually given man a He wants us to RISE UP ABOVE OUR NA-
nature which is essentially the same as Satan’s. TURES by the POWER OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT,
And for a great and wonderful purpose -- as we and develop His righteous, spiritual character in
shall soon see. us.
5. Even though YEHOVAH has created 7. Does YEHOVAH realize our weak
the evil propensity of human nature in us, is there frame -- that we are made of perishable dust?
HOPE for us? Romans 8:20. Why has YEHO- Psalm 103:14. And does He have pity on us --
VAH made us this way? Has He purposed to have tender concern and mercy toward us?
DELIVER US from the bondage of our corrup- Psalm 103:13, 17.
tible human nature and bring us into His glorious COMMENT: Even though we are sinful
kingdom? Verse 21. by nature, we should not become discouraged.
COMMENT: YEHOVAH God is creat- YEHOVAH understands our weaknesses, our
ing a wonderful, eternal and glorious Family in failures and faults. He placed human nature in us
His own CHARACTER IMAGE. And He is for a PURPOSE -- so that we might overcome it
accomplishing it out of human clay. It was and grow in His holy and righteous, spiritual
YEHOVAH who placed human nature -- with its character.
propensity towards evil -- within us IN HOPE YEHOVAH knows we will stumble and
that we will OVERCOME it with the power of fall short of His goals for us. But He wants us to
His holy spirit, and thus achieve His glorious learn that our sins are the result of human
Kingdom! weakness, and THAT WE NEED TO COME
6. Has YEHOVAH God plainly declared TO HIM -- THAT HE ALONE IS OUR RE-
His purpose for us -- the purpose in which He SERVOIR OF STRENGTH WHO WILL GIVE
Shouldn’t this GOAL of service in His Kingdom 8. Will YEHOVAH deal with us accord-
-- and being free of the bondage of human flesh ing to our sins? Psalm 103:10. Is He merciful to
and nature -- be OUR GOAL as well? Romans us if we fear to disobey Him, and have proper
8:23. Are we to long for it so much that we may awe and respect for His power? Verse 11. Is it
actually “groan” within ourselves in ANTICI- characteristic of YEHOVAH God to be very
PATION of receiving sonship in YEHOVAH’s merciful -- to have mercy in abundance? Verse
Kingdom? Same verse. 8.
COMMENT: YEHOVAH plainly COMMENT: Many realize that they are
states that He wants us to become His sons. But it inwardly wicked -- that they have committed
is a MUTUAL GOAL! We, too, must desire sins and need YEHOVAH’s forgiveness. But
with all our being to live forever in YEHO- they are ASHAMED to come to Him and they
VAH’s eternal Family. are NOT SURE He will hear their prayer. Conse-
When YEHOVAH declares His purpose quently their sins REMAIN UNFORGIVEN!
for us, He will achieve it! Remember that He is 9. What causes us to be ASHAMED
all-powerful -- that He rules heaven and earth! when we come to YEHOVAH in prayer? Have
The Power of Prayer!