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Lesson 33 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13
Priest, who intercedes for us to our heavenly we go to YEHOVAH God in prayer for the
Father so that his blood may cover our SPIRI- strength to resist them? Ephesians 6:10 com-
TUAL sins, is active on our behalf AT THIS pared with Matthew 11:27-30.
VERY MOMENT -- if we will only CALL COMMENT: Through prayer to YE-
UPON YEHOVAH GOD IN PRAYER! HOVAH God, our way into His Kingdom and
overcoming our human nature can be made se-
YEHOVAH ALONE Can Save Us! cure.
8. Is our loving Heavenly Father merci-
1. Is YEHOVAH God our SALVA- ful and ready to forgive us when we call upon
TION? Psalm 27:1. Can He always be depended Him in prayer? Psalm 86:5-6 and 103:1-3.
upon to deliver us from all of our trials, temp- 9. Even when we have REBELLED
tations and sins? Same verse. Will He stand by against Him, may we still be forgiven? Daniel
us even though our own family might forsake 9:9.
us? Verse 10. 10. Is it also YEHOVAH’s will to for-
2. Doesn’t Psalm 3:8 show that our sal- give us our PHYSICAL sins? Psalms 103:3 and
vation is entirely in the hands of YEHOVAH Mark 2:1-11.
God? COMMENT: Sickness, disease and
3. Are we to cry out to YEHOVAH God injuries are the PENALTY of PHYSICAL SIN!
in prayer, as the Messiah did, when we are weak Yeshua the Messiah himself said so! And
and on the verge of disobeying Him? Psalm YEHOVAH God says it is His will to FORGIVE
38:16-22 and Hebrews 5:7. our physical sins. Healing is forgiveness of the
4. If we have been overcome by temp- sin, and MIRACULOUS REMOVAL of the
tations and sin, may we still ask YEHOVAH to PENALTY.
forgive -- “purge away” -- our sins? Psalm 38: YEHOVAH heals us not by the Mes-
10 and 79:8-9. And may we ask Him, in prayer, siah’s blood -- but by his STRIPES we are
to have MERCY upon us and still grant us sal- healed (I Peter 2:24). He paid the PENALTY of
vation, even though we have sinned? Psalm 85: physical sins IN OUR STEAD. He did the suf-
6-9. Wasn’t this written for YEHOVAH’s fering FOR US, so YEHOVAH can remove it
SAINTS who still sometimes sin, but have turn- from us by the POWER of the holy spirit -- if we
ed from the foolishness of their former sinful will repent of breaking YEHOVAH’s physical
ways? Verse 8. laws and ACCEPT, in faith, the Messiah’s
5. Does Ephesians 6:10 tell us TO BE suffering for us! (John. 5:14; James. 5:14-15.)
STRONG in the power of YEHOVAH’S It is as much YEHOVAH’S WILL to heal as it is
MIGHT? Is that because our own human power to SAVE US from the death penalty of spiritual
can’t deliver us from temptation and sin? sins!
COMMENT: Yes, we are to be strong 11. Isn’t YEHOVAH full of compassion
in the power of YEHOVAH’s might -- the and mercy? Psalm 86:15-17.
POWER of His HOLY SPIRIT -- which we can 12. Can even our VERY WORST sins be
receive through prayer! forgiven? Isaiah 1:18.
6. Is the preparation of our spiritual COMMENT: Yes, even the most hein-
“armour” -- which we use to fight against the ous crimes may be forgiven. YEHOVAH God
devil and his demons -- to be through PRAYER will forgive ALL of our sins IF we will sincerely
and SUPPLICATION? Ephesians 6:11-18. repent from the heart and determine to the very
7. Does our struggle against Satan and deepest depths of our being that we will NEVER
his demons, the world around us and the evil PRACTICE THEM AGAIN.
pulls of our own nature become LIGHTER when
The Power of Prayer!