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Lesson 33 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15
YEHOVAH WILL Answer! YEHOVAH, He will take care of all our needs?
Matthew 6:11 and Psalm 23:1-6.
1. Can we have absolute confidence that COMMENT: “The Lord is my Shep-
our eternal heavenly Father WILL HEAR US herd (my Guide through prayer and the study of
and deliver us from our fears and troubles? His textbook for living -- the Bible), I shall not
Psalm 34:4, 6. Do verses 17 and 19 also show WANT...“ (verse 1).
that YEHOVAH will DELIVER US from all of 8. Can we offer up our prayers to YEHO-
our afflictions? VAH God with ABSOLUTE faith -- a settled
COMMENT: YEHOVAH will answer conviction -- that He will watch over us because
our fervent prayers for deliverance from every He is concerned for our very best interests?
adverse circumstance. And He will grant us His Matthew 7:7-11.
forgiveness and His divine strength so we may COMMENT: “For what man (typical of
be strengthened against disobeying His laws in YEHOVAH God the Father) is there of you,
the future! whom if his son (mankind) ask bread (the life-
2. Does YEHOVAH promise us all kinds giving sustenance of eternal life -- YEHOVAH’s
of help if we ask Him in faithful, BELIEVING holy spirit), will he give him a stone?" (verse 9).
prayer? Matthew 21:22. YEHOVAH is FAR MORE WILLING
3. Should our FAITH in the fact that to give us His SPIRIT OF POWER if we will
James 1:5-7.
COMMENT: We must learn to TRUST Pray for a CLEAN HEART
YEHOVAH to the utmost. Learn to EXPECT
answers to your prayers! YEHOVAH reveals 1. Following David’s example, what
Himself as a REAL God -- a LIVING ACTING should we pray that YEHOVAH God will do
God. Take YEHOVAH at His Word without WITHIN US after He has forgiven our sins?
doubting Him for an instant! Psalm 51:1-17, especially verse 10. Carefully
4. Should we therefore place our read and study this entire Psalm, since it shows
WHOLEHEARTED trust in YEHOVAH God? the wholehearted attitude of TOTAL REPEN-
Psalm 71:1. If we do, doesn’t it follow that we TANCE we must have for YEHOVAH God to
will never be confused? Same verse. hear our prayers.
5. And knowing that YEHOVAH God is 2. Did David first acknowledge his own
our sure salvation, should we offer our prayers sins, and then ask YEHOVAH’s forgiveness?
with THANKSGIVING, and let our requests be Verses 1-9. Did David realize that the basic
known to Him? Philippians 4:6 and Colossians motivations of his human heart were evil from
4:2. Does Philippians 4:6 bear out the fact that his birth? Verse 5.
we should trust implicitly in YEHOVAH God COMMENT: David knew that our
and not become fearful of the results? sinful actions are the results of the thoughts,
COMMENT: “Be careful for (anxious motives, and intents of our wicked human
about) nothing... ” (Philippians 4:6). Yes, we hearts. He knew that repenting of evil deeds IS
are to have ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE in YE- NOT ENOUGH! We must pray that YEHO-
HOVAH God, and not worry about the outcome. VAH God will help us to repent of the
6. Does Psalm 56:9 also show that we motivations and intents of our carnal minds --
should have total confidence in YEHOVAH’s the inordinate lusts and evil desires which lead
power to overcome all of our enemies -- us to commit sins.
including Satan and our human nature? We must TOTALLY and LITERALLY
7. Can we be confident that if we pray to REPENT OF WHAT WE ARE!
The Power of Prayer!