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Lesson 33 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17
have been forgiven, and whose hearts are being which influence our human nature? Verse 7.
cleansed by YEHOVAH God Almighty? Verse 6. Must we also cleanse our lives of sin?
25. Must our evil HEARTS -- minds, attitudes -- be
COMMENT: YEHOVAH has begun to cleansed and purified? Verse 8.
create a clean heart and mind in His own 7. Are we to thoroughly repent and sin-
character image within those who have yielded cerely sorrow for the evil acts we commit
themselves to Him. He has called them out of because of yielding to our human nature? Verse
this world and into HIS TRUE CHURCH where 9.
they can be INSTRUCTED IN HIS PERFECT 8. Finally, what else must we do? Verse
LAWS IN PREPARATION FOR BEING 10. If we will really humble ourselves in the
BORN INTO HIS KINGDOM! sight of YEHOVAH God Almighty, who looks
on the heart, has He promised to lift us up -- to
How to SEEK YEHOVAH God forgive and STRENGTHEN US? Verse 10.
COMMENT: YEHOVAH promises to
1. Does James show why mankind is strengthen us now by His spirit. But He also
suffering wars, and why Christians have been promises to literally RAISE US UP by a RE-
CALLED OUT of this evil world? James 4:1-2, SURRECTION into His glorious Kingdom as
4. His spirit-born Sons -- SONS OF YEHOVAH
COMMENT: Mankind in general is GOD!!
CUT OFF from YEHOVAH God because of
their sins -- because they will NOT come to Pray for Strength to RESIST SINNING
YEHOVAH God to repent of their sins and their
evil human nature. For this reason the world has 1. If we ask, will YEHOVAH God be our
continued in the ways of war until now, at the helper? Psalm 30:10. Can we ask YEHOVAH
tip-end of mankind’s rule on this earth, the evilly to LEAD US in righteousness -- in obedience to
motivated human heart of man has brought us to His Laws? Psalm 5:8.
the brink of COSMOCIDE -- SUICIDE OF THE 2. Will YEHOVAH cleanse us of secret
HUMAN RACE! faults -- those which lie HIDDEN in our human
2. Why has man FAILED in life? James nature -- if we ask Him? Psalm 19:12. Will He
4:2. Are men all too often UNWILLING to ask help us to keep ourselves from exalting the self
YEHOVAH God for help and forgiveness? and being presumptuous? Verse 13.
Same verse. And does the professing Christian 3. Can we ask and expect YEHOVAH
world really know how to pray PROPERLY? God to examine our INNER MOTIVES and to
3. Isn’t man’s failure to ask forgiveness test us in order to help us overcome sin in our
and to pray properly the result of his wicked lives? Psalm 26:2.
human heart which is motivated by lust and 4. How can a young person cleanse his
envy? Verse 5. ways before YEHOVAH God? Psalm 119:9.
4. Does YEHOVAH warn that He resists Doesn’t this apply to anyone who seeks
those who are PROUD? Verse 6. But does He YEHOVAH with his WHOLE HEART? Verse
promise to give GRACE -- unmerited pardon for 10. Is it also necessary to KNOW and STUDY
sin -- to those who are willing to HUMBLE YEHOVAH’s Word to be able to keep from
themselves? Same verse. sinning? Verse 11.
5. What, then, is YEHOVAH’s com- 5. Did David show us by his example
mand to all mankind? Verses 7-9. Isn’t the first how we should pray to YEHOVAH for a clean
step plainly up to us? Must we repent of sin and heart, and that we might have His strength to
RESIST the pressures of Satan and this world RESIST SIN and live by His Laws? Psalm
The Power of Prayer!